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Intro / Features

Anime.js library as a MotorCortex CSS Layer. The library exposes CSSEffect which implementes an alternative CSS Layer for MotorCortex while the second (MotionPath) performs motion path animation.

The Plugin exposes two Incidents:

  • CSSEffect (CSS Layer implementation)
  • MotionPath

Browser compatibility

Chrome Safari IE / Edge Firefox Opera
24+ 6+ 10+ 32+ 15+

Getting Started


$ npm install @donkeyclip/motorcortex-anime
# OR
$ yarn add @donkeyclip/motorcortex-anime

Importing and loading

You can load Anime plugin in a two different ways, based on what you want to do with this plugin (you will find out more information below):

As a MotorCortex's core CSS Layer:

import { setCSSCore } from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex";
import AnimePluginDefinition from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex-anime";

As a simple plugin:

import { loadPlugin } from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex";
import AnimePluginDefinition from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex-anime";
const AnimePlugin = loadPlugin(AnimePluginDefinition);

Creating Incidents


Use the provided CSSEffect as the CSS core of MotorCortex.

const MyAnime = new CSSEffect({
  animatedAttrs: {
    left: '120px',
    top: '220px',
    background: 'orange',
    width: '10px;
}, {
  selector: '.a',
  duration: 2000,
  easing: 'linear'


Don't forget το import and load the Anime Plugin using the first way.


The MotioPath Incident implements the motion path capability of anime.js library. This feature allows motion of any element on any given (svg) path.

The syntax is simple:

const motionPath = new AnimePlugin.MotionPath(
    pixelsAccuracy: 5,
    animatedAttrs: {
      positionOn: {
        pathElement: "the selector that targets your path element",
    selector: ".a",
    duration: 2000,
    easing: "linear",

MotionPath Attrs

As you can notice the animated attribute here is positionOn which in turn is an object expecting only one key, the pathElement which is a selctor to the path element that defines the motion path.

The selected elements will sleep into this path on the given duration.

One more thing to notice is the pixelsAccuracy attribute. This attribute sets the distance threshold between two sequential points of the path that the element should move. This attribute can be used so the motion path effect gets more performant (less processing is required). The default value is 4.


For the MotionPath Incident you should import and load MotorCortex-Anime as a simple Plugin.

Adding Incidents in your clip

clipName.addIncident(incidentName, startTime);


In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow, so if you want to submit patches and additions you should follow the next steps:

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes


MIT License

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