Convert a THREE.Mesh or THREE.Object3D to a CANNON.Shape, with optimizations to simplified bounding shapes (AABB, sphere, etc.).
npm install --save three-to-cannon
* Import:
// ES6
import { threeToCannon, ShapeType } from 'three-to-cannon';
// CommonJS
const { threeToCannon, ShapeType } = require('three-to-cannon');
* Generate a CANNON.Shape:
// Automatic (Usually an AABB, except obvious cases like THREE.SphereGeometry).
const result = threeToCannon(object3D);
// Bounding box (AABB).
const result = threeToCannon(object3D, {type: ShapeType.BOX});
// Bounding sphere.
const result = threeToCannon(object3D, {type: ShapeType.SPHERE});
// Cylinder.
const result = threeToCannon(object3D, {type: ShapeType.CYLINDER});
// Convex hull.
const result = threeToCannon(object3D, {type: ShapeType.HULL});
// Mesh (Not recommended — limitations:
const result = threeToCannon(object3D, {type: ShapeType.MESH});
* Using the result:
// Result object includes a CANNON.Shape instance, and (optional)
// an offset or quaternion for that shape.
const {shape, offset, orientation} = result;
// Add the shape to a CANNON.Body.
body.addShape(shape, offset, orientation);
See further documentation on the CANNON.Shape class.