contains a custom actionbar based on material components Toolbar and some other things.
jLib will work ONLY ON ANDROID OREO (8) AND LATER!! because there is less devices that use Android NOUGAT (7) or older and apps are now dropping support for those versions
to use jLib in an android app that is built using gradle add the following lines to your project root build.gradle
plugins {
id '' version '2.1.10' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose' version '2.1.10' apply false
id 'com.mikepenz.aboutlibraries.plugin' version "11.6.2" apply false // j-LIB dependency
then add the following lines to your apps build.gradle
plugins {
id ''
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose'
id 'com.mikepenz.aboutlibraries.plugin' // j-LIB dependency
android {
buildFeatures {
compose = true
aboutLibraries {
// Required to be set to true
registerAndroidTasks = true
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.dot166:j-Lib:4.0.3"
if you are including jLib in another android library that is built using gradle add the following lines to your project root build.gradle
plugins {
id '' version '2.1.10' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose' version '2.1.10' apply false
then add the following lines to your libraries build.gradle
plugins {
id ''
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose'
android {
buildFeatures {
compose = true
dependencies {
api "io.github.dot166:j-Lib:4.0.3"
to use jLib in an AOSP Project add the module j.Lib
to the static_libs section of your Android.bp file
TODO: explain 'fix' for generateBp
gradle library (main code) with AOSP Build Files
sources for the ThemeEngine Application with AOSP Build Files
sources for aosp features that normally be in a vendor or 'sdk' folder
NOTICE: There is code in jLib that are from other projects, Those files are licenced under the licence from their respective projects, the files, projects and licences are listed below.
ContributorRow.kt, modifierIf.kt and most of the about menu code is adapted from Lawnchair Launcher and is licenced under Apache 2.0
all files under com.dede.basic ('src/main/java/com/dede/basic' folder) are adapted from AndroidEasterEggs and are licenced under Apache 2.0
Some of the preference and theme related files are adapted from The Android Open Source Project and are licenced under Apache 2.0 is adapted from Material Components and is licenced under Apache 2.0
seekbarpreference is adapted from crDroid Android and is licenced under Apache 2.0
birdgame is adapted from The Android Open Source Project and are licenced under Apache 2.0
sensitive-pn is adapted from LineageOS, see aosp/sensitive-pn/ for more information