Based on Enrico Zimuel's Zend Expressive API - Skeleton example, DotKernel API runs on Laminas and Mezzio components and implements standards like PSR-3, PSR-4, PSR-7, PSR-11 and PSR-15.
Using your terminal, navigate inside the directory you want to download the project files into. Make sure that the directory is empty before proceeding to the download process. Once there, run the following command:
git clone .
composer install
If you're installing the project for development, make sure you have development mode enabled, by running:
composer development-enable
You can disable development mode by running:
composer development-disable
You can check if you have development mode enabled by running:
composer development-status
- duplicate
<- if your API will be consumed by another application, make sure configure theallowed_origins
- duplicate
- duplicate
<- if your API will send emails, make sure you fill in SMTP connection params - optional: in order to run/create tests, duplicate
<- this creates a new in-memory database that your tests will run on
create a new MySQL database - set collation to
fill out the database connection params in
run the database migrations by using the following command:
php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate
This command will prompt you to confirm that you want to run it:
WARNING! You are about to execute a migration in database "..." that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
Hit Enter
to confirm the operation.
Fixtures are used to seed the database with initial values and should be executed after migrating the database.
To list all the fixtures, run:
php bin/doctrine fixtures:list
This will output all the fixtures in the order of execution.
To execute all fixtures, run:
php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute
To execute a specific fixture, run:
php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute --class=FixtureClassName
More details on how fixtures work can be found here:
php -S -t public
Sending a GET request to the home page should output the following message:
"message": "DotKernel API version 5"
In order to access DotKernel API documentation, check the provided readme file.
Additionally, each CLI command available has it's own documentation: