A (somewhat) amber-yellow colorscheme for Vim. To install use this URL with your package manager (see Install)
Showing off insert mode, Airline, Tabline, vim-help, NERDTree and a new buffer
Point your package manager to this Git URL and then use coloscheme chauvet
in your settings.
If you do not have a Vim add-on package manager, you know what to do. (I.e. either:
- Get one. I use Pathogen, but I need to manage updates with something else. But Vim plug has 25k stars.
- Have a look at
:set runtimepath?
or:help runtimepath
to see where you need to putchauvet.vim
. (Probably in~/.vim/colors/
After installing, test with
:colo chauvet
And add the setting to your ~/.vimrc
TIP: you can also use different themes per shell environment, and still have a default if none given.
if $VIM_THEME == ""
let $VIM_THEME="chauvet"
colorscheme $VIM_THEME
let $VIM_AIRLINE_THEME="chauvet"
if "$VIM_AIRLINE_THEME" != "" | let g:airline_theme = $VIM_AIRLINE_THEME | endif
Maintained. See Chauvet main project for on-going development.