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DateTime.Kind comes back as Unspecified #4711

gzak opened this issue Mar 7, 2016 · 95 comments

DateTime.Kind comes back as Unspecified #4711

gzak opened this issue Mar 7, 2016 · 95 comments


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gzak commented Mar 7, 2016

If you store a DateTime object to the DB with a DateTimeKind of either Utc or Local, when you read that record back from the DB you'll get a DateTime object whose kind is Unspecified. Basically, it appears the Kind property isn't persisted. This means that a test to compare equality of the before/after value of a round trip to the DB will fail.

Is there something that needs to be configured for the Kind to be preserved? Or what's the recommended way to handle this?

@rowanmiller rowanmiller added this to the 1.0.0 milestone Mar 7, 2016
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gzak commented Mar 7, 2016

var entity = db.Entity.Single(e => e.Id == 123);
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
entity.Date = now;

entity = db.Entity.Single(e => e.Id == 123);
Assert.Equal(now, entity.Date); // fails the assert

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rmja commented Mar 8, 2016

A slight variation of this is that it would be nice if one could configure the default DateTimeKind. For example, I know that all dates in my database are Utc, so it would be nice if this was specified for all fetched dates in the DbContext, or maybe configurable per entity property?

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ilmax commented Mar 9, 2016

+1 on whar @rmja suggested, it's a really nice addition.

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gzak commented Mar 9, 2016

One thing worth noting is that I think the DateTime type in C♯ has more precision than the DB equivalent, so equality probably won't be preserved after a round trip even with this change.

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Note for triage: Investigated mapping to DateTime CLR type to SQL Server datetimeoffset by default, but even when switching to the typed value buffer factory this still won't work without type conversions.

@ajcvickers ajcvickers removed this from the 1.0.0 milestone Mar 23, 2016
@ajcvickers ajcvickers removed their assignment Mar 23, 2016
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Conclusions from triage:

  • This is fundamentally a limitation of SQL Server/SQL Client, where the kind of datetime is not persisted.
  • We could work around this by introducing a separate property to persist kind... but there is already DateTimeOffset which is designed to specifically store date/time in a time zone aware way. So really the solution isn't to try and workaround the limitations of DateTime, but educate folks to use DateTimeOffset.

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rmja commented Mar 25, 2016

@rowanmiller how about my suggestion? It would be really useful in systems where the kind does not need to be stored, because it is agreed upon by convention.

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@rmja I should have mentioned that too... at the moment we rely on ADO.NET to construct the value and then we set it on the property. We do want to introduce a feature where you can control how that value is get/set from/to the property. This would allow things like setting DateTime.Kind, type conversions, using Get/Set methods rather than properties, etc. #240 is the issue tracking this feature

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gzak commented Apr 22, 2016

@rowanmiller would you mind giving an example (like my second comment) that uses DateTimeOffset to correct the issue? Also, what type should I use for the corresponding column in the DB (assuming MSSQL server)?

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gzak commented Apr 26, 2016

Never mind my last comment, I didn't realize there was a corresponding sql type called datetimeoffset. Basically, we've switched everything over to the -offset variants in both C# and the DB which solved this issue as well as #5175.

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@gzak glad it's working for you now

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I also would want such a convention @rmja mentioned (#4711 (comment)). Because not all database providers have datetimeoffset type.

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I found a solution for that and shared as a blog post:

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havheg commented May 28, 2017

I had this same issue today. Why is Datetime/Timezones still an issue? I don't really care how DateTime is stored in the database as long as the returned value is the same as when I stored it. It could even be stored as a standardized(ISO 8601) string for all I care.

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Switching to DateTimeOffset doesn't solve the problem. It isn't time zone aware; it only stores the UTC offset for a specific instant in time. There is no simple way to derive the time zone where the value was created. Picking the underlying UTC value out of the DateTimeOffset value would be the best you could do and DateTime is just as good at assuming that.

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@EEaglehouse and others. I'm working on a change that will allow the kind to be be preserved by storing the DateTime as a long in the database and automatically converting it on the way in and out. Should be in 2.1 as part of #242.

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@ajcvickers Thank you. It would be nice to have that as an option. For me, the better solution remains to have an option to force the Kind to a particular value (Utc in my case) for DateTime values. Reading it as a DateTimeOffset is useless to me because I would still need to convert to DateTime with Kind as Utc in my applications' data layer; all local time zone conversions are handled in the presentation layer. Converting DateTime to a long for storage may be useful, but would effectively obfuscate the column type in the database. But please don't take this as discouraging you from implementing the custom type mapping, because then I could do for myself what I'm asking.

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@EEaglehouse Yes, after #242 you will be able to set things up to still store as a datetime in the database, but force a specific kind whenever it is read from the database.

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werwolfby commented Jan 18, 2018

We are using this updated workaround from:
Thank you @hikalkan, but I've made few changes, after few hours of debugging EF:

    public class DateTimeKindMapper
        public static DateTime Normalize(DateTime value)
            => DateTime.SpecifyKind(value, DateTimeKind.Utc);

        public static DateTime? NormalizeNullable(DateTime? value)
            => value.HasValue ? DateTime.SpecifyKind(value.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc) : (DateTime?)null;

        public static object NormalizeObject(object value)
            => value is DateTime dateTime ? Normalize(dateTime) : value;

    public class DateTimeKindEntityMaterializerSource : EntityMaterializerSource
        private static readonly MethodInfo _normalizeMethod =

        private static readonly MethodInfo _normalizeNullableMethod =

        private static readonly MethodInfo _normalizeObjectMethod =

        public override Expression CreateReadValueExpression(Expression valueBuffer, Type type, int index, IProperty property = null)
            if (type == typeof(DateTime))
                return Expression.Call(
                    base.CreateReadValueExpression(valueBuffer, type, index, property));

            if (type == typeof(DateTime?))
                return Expression.Call(
                    base.CreateReadValueExpression(valueBuffer, type, index, property));

            return base.CreateReadValueExpression(valueBuffer, type, index, property);

        public override Expression CreateReadValueCallExpression(Expression valueBuffer, int index)
            var readValueCallExpression = base.CreateReadValueCallExpression(valueBuffer, index);
            if (readValueCallExpression.Type == typeof(DateTime))
                return Expression.Call(

            if (readValueCallExpression.Type == typeof(DateTime?))
                return Expression.Call(

            if (readValueCallExpression.Type == typeof(object))
                return Expression.Call(

            return readValueCallExpression;

Workaround from @hikalkan works, except cases in subquery, like:

context.Entity.Select(e => new
    DateTimeField = e.NavigationProperty.OrderBy(n => n.OrderField).FirstOrDefault().DateTimeField

So extended EntityMaterializerSource can handle this as well, but because it wraps every object response as well, it can cause additional performance cost because of object to DateTime cast.

And it has additional fix for nullable DateTime as well. Before 2.1 we will use this workaround.

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EEaglehouse commented Jan 18, 2018 via email

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ajcvickers commented Jan 18, 2018

Please note that EntityMaterializerSource is internal code and any solution like that shown above may get broken with a new release of EF. That doesn't mean I'm saying not to use it--it's publicly available internal code for a reason--but please be aware of the risk associated with it.

Starting in EF Core 2.1, this would be one way to deal with DateTime.Kind:

    .Property(e => e.SomeDate)
    .HasConversion(v => v, v => DateTime.SpecifyKind(v, DateTimeKind.Local));

This will ensure every time the date is read from the database it is specified as Local automatically.

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roji commented Nov 17, 2021

the only real solution is to store the value in two columns (datetime and timezone name)

Note that there's a very big difference between storing the DateTime's timestamp and kind, and storing a timestamp and timezone - this issue really is about fully persisting a DateTime, which does not have a timezone name (or even an offset).

Aside from that, it's not just the database that doesn't have a single type for timestamp+timezone, it's also .NET (I recommend looking at NodaTime, which does have ZonedDateTIme). Other than that, if your goal is to save a timestamp and timezone name, then you're right that you need two columns (see this blog post which I just recently wrote about the subject).

To summarize, on the .NET side you need two properties (DateTime and string, for the time zone), and on the SQL Server side you need two columns (datetime2 and nvarchar). If you want to use NodaTime (highly recommended), then on the .NET side you can have a single property of time ZonedDateTime. At the moment EF Core cannot map a single .NET property to multiple columns, but that feature is planned for EF7 (#13947).

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and 6.0 even allows you to configure that globally for all DateTime properties in your model

@roji could you elaborate on the global configuration? I cannot see to find a simple way of doing this in our new EF Core setup, that uses an existing schema (and therefore the two column option is not viable for us). We don't care about storing the datetime kind in the database, just that all datetime properties are returned as UTC instead of unspecified. At present our mapping code from ef model -> domain model custom converts every single property which means it's down to a developer to remember that...

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roji commented Feb 22, 2022

@SebFerraro above I just referred to the ability to configure value converters to modify the Kind on DateTimes being read, as here. That can be combined with the new EF Core 6.0 bulk configuration to apply this globally to your model.

But I want to stress again that this isn't the ideal way to do it. If what you want is to simply store UTC timestamps and to retrieve them as UTC DateTimes, use version 6.0 and map your EF DateTime properties to timestamp with time zone. This will automatically make DateTimes coming back have UTC Kind without any value converters.

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SebFerraro commented Feb 22, 2022

@SebFerraro above I just referred to the ability to configure value converters to modify the Kind on DateTimes being read, as here. That can be combined with the new EF Core 6.0 bulk configuration to apply this globally to your model.

But I want to stress again that this isn't the ideal way to do it. If what you want is to simply store UTC timestamps and to retrieve them as UTC DateTimes, use version 6.0 and map your EF DateTime properties to timestamp with time zone. This will automatically make DateTimes coming back have UTC Kind without any value converters.

@roji Thanks - I was more meaning that I can't see to find an example of the new convention specifically converting to datetime kind anywhere.

The individual method being:

    .Property(e => e.LastUpdated)
        v => v,
        v => new DateTime(v.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc));

The format must have changed as I cannot figure out how to implement that at configbuilder level.

Eg. This does not work

                .HaveConversion(dt => dt, dt => new DateTime(dt.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc));

I also appreciate this is not the best way of doing it. But it's better than our current implementation working on a schema that's 14 years old with 160+ entities, all of which have 1-3 datetimes on them.

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joakimriedel commented Feb 22, 2022

@SebFerraro the bulk configuration using ConfigureConventions does not work with the new compiled models in EF Core 6, so we decided to adapt the code from @ChristopherHaws above slightly. Works like a charm!

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;

namespace Whatever;

    public class UtcValueConverter : ValueConverter<DateTime, DateTime>
        public UtcValueConverter()
            : base(v => v, v => DateTime.SpecifyKind(v, DateTimeKind.Utc))

    public static class UtcDateAnnotation
        private const string IsUtcAnnotation = "IsUtc";

        public static PropertyBuilder<TProperty> IsUtc<TProperty>(this PropertyBuilder<TProperty> builder, bool isUtc = true)
            if (builder is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(builder));

            return builder.HasAnnotation(IsUtcAnnotation, isUtc);

        public static bool IsUtc(this IMutableProperty property)
            if (property is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(property));

            var attribute = property.PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttribute<IsUtcAttribute>();
            if (attribute is not null && attribute.IsUtc)
                return true;

            return ((bool?)property.FindAnnotation(IsUtcAnnotation)?.Value) ?? true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure this is called after configuring all your entities.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ApplyUtcDateTimeConverter(this ModelBuilder builder)
            if (builder is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(builder));

            foreach (var entityType in builder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
                foreach (var property in entityType.GetProperties())
                    if (!property.IsUtc())

                    if (property.ClrType == typeof(DateTime) ||
                        property.ClrType == typeof(DateTime?))

    public class IsUtcAttribute : Attribute
        public IsUtcAttribute(bool isUtc = true) => this.IsUtc = isUtc;
        public bool IsUtc { get; }

then in THE END OF (important!) OnModelCreating just put

            // all entity configuration

            // note: this line has to be last in this method to work!


so your developers only need to remember never put any configuration below that line, and all properties will be automatically converted for DateTimeKind.Utc on read.

@roji slightly off topic: the links in the first paragraph of the docs you sent a link for are broken (see "xref:")

EDIT: @SebFerraro did not see that you used existing schema, sorry. For others reading this issue with code-first and wanting to use precompiled model, I'll keep this post nevertheless...

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@joakimriedel it was an existing database that I ported into a brand new ef core project, and your solution has actually worked, which is great! Thanks!

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roji commented Feb 23, 2022

@joakimriedel @SebFerraro if what you want is for DateTime to always come back as UTC, there's no need for an attribute; @SebFerraro your code didn't work since HaveConversion in ConfigureConventions only accepts a value converter type, rather than lambdas (in order to better support compiled models). See below for a minimal code sample which shows everything working without an attribute.

Code sample
await using var ctx = new BlogContext();
await ctx.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();
await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

var blog = await ctx.Blogs.SingleAsync();

public class BlogContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        => optionsBuilder
            .UseSqlServer(@"Server=localhost;Database=test;User=SA;Password=Abcd5678;Connect Timeout=60;ConnectRetryCount=0")
            .LogTo(Console.WriteLine, LogLevel.Information)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        => modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().HasData(new Blog { Id = 1, DateTime = DateTime.Now });

    protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)

    class UtcValueConverter : ValueConverter<DateTime, DateTime>
        public UtcValueConverter()
            : base(v => v, v => DateTime.SpecifyKind(v, DateTimeKind.Utc))

public class Blog
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }

@roji slightly off topic: the links in the first paragraph of the docs you sent a link for are broken (see "xref:")

Thanks. The 6.0 API docs (which this links point to) have only recently been pushed online in dotnet/EntityFramework.Docs#3630, and I don't think we've pushed our conceptual docs since then - this should go away the next time we do.

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joakimriedel commented Feb 23, 2022

@roji the attribute is a negative option, so the code will actually set the value converter for all DateTime properties without using any attributes.

But regarding the ConfigureConventions, I actually never tried it since the method has the following remark:

If a model is explicitly set on the options for this context (via Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseModel(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IModel)) then this method will not be run.

Since I explicitly set a model via UseModel I never even bothered to try it.

But you're saying it should work with compiled models? I will try right away!

EDIT: It actually works. 🤯 I'd definitely suggest rewording this remark, it had me fooled ever since 6.0 released. Perhaps

If a model is explicitly set on the options for this context (via Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseModel(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IModel)) then this method will only run while compiling the model.

.. or something similar, if this is actually how it works?

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roji commented Feb 23, 2022

/cc @AndriySvyryd for the above remark

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In order to save it as Utc I use:

builder.Property(x => x.DateTime).HasConversion((x) => x.ToUniversalTime(), (x) => DateTime.SpecifyKind(x, DateTimeKind.Utc) );

This way if someone uses unspecified or local time at least it is converted to utc time.

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ChristopherHaws commented Mar 25, 2022

@qsdfplkj Be carful with this approach. If the DateTimeKind is Unspecified and you call ToUniversalTime, it will assume that the DateTime is in local time which can cause some hard to find bugs. This can easily happen when crossing over a serialization boundary such as a WebAPI.

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Thanks I will check this serialization scenario.

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palhal commented Sep 20, 2022

Here's my take on this for a nullable DateTime, inspired by @qsdfplkj's and @ChristopherHaws' answers:

public DateTime? TimestampUtc { get; set; }
builder.Property(x => x.TimestampUtc)
    .HasConversion(new UtcDateTimeConverter());
public class UtcDateTimeConverter : ValueConverter<DateTime?, DateTime?>
    public UtcDateTimeConverter()
        : base(
            d => !d.HasValue ? null : ConvertToUtc(d.Value),
            d => !d.HasValue ? null : SpecifyUtc(d.Value))

    private static DateTime ConvertToUtc(DateTime date)
        switch (date.Kind)
        case DateTimeKind.Utc:
            return date;
        case DateTimeKind.Local:
            return date.ToUniversalTime();
            throw new InvalidTimeZoneException($"Unsupported DateTimeKind: {date.Kind}");

    private static DateTime SpecifyUtc(DateTime date)
        return DateTime.SpecifyKind(date, DateTimeKind.Utc);

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I didn't use this approach anymore because usually data comes in from an API and it is unspecified. So I decided that unspecified is the actually the better way. (Maybe use DateTimeOffset?)

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palhal commented Sep 20, 2022

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually use both types. My model looks like this:

public DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; set; }
public DateTime InsertedAtUtc { get; set; }

Timestamp is when an event actually occured. It's useful for our users to know the offset. (Yes, the API requires an offset to be included.) On the other hand, the insertion date is automatically set in the backend, and only UTC makes sense here. Maybe I'm overthinking, but I think that having the possibility to store an offset creates ambiguity.

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springy76 commented Sep 20, 2022

BTW: npgsql (postgres) provider just disallows (per default) any non-UTC DateTime, both for storage and query operations. And always return UTC, too - of course.

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roji commented Sep 20, 2022


I didn't use this approach anymore because usually data comes in from an API and it is unspecified.

Carefully consider what exactly this means: are you really saying that you have no idea what time zone the timestamps are, which your API provides? If that's true, you can't really do anything with that data, since it could refer to arbitrary moments in time, etc. It's more common for the time zone to be simply implicit, e.g. for the timestamps to be in UTC or some very specific local timestamp - even if it's not specified. If that's the case, I highly recommend changing the DateTime's Kind to Utc (via DateTime.SpecifyKind), right where you're reading the timestamps, and not when writing them to the database (if you're deserializing JSON from the API, you can probably configure the JSON deserializer to do this for you as well).

Note that DateTimeOffset also implies that you know which time zone the timestamps are in.

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I guess I've to revisit this but timestamp is always Utc. But what is a local times on a server in azure anyway?

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roji commented Sep 21, 2022

@qsdfplkj if the timestamp is UTC, then it should be represented in .NET as a DateTime with Kind=Utc (or possibly as DateTimeOffset with Offset=0). Do this as early as possible (i.e. as soon as you read the value from an external source), and persist it to PostgreSQL as a timestamp with time zone, things way everything is aligned across the board and there's no risk of accidental unexpected time zone conversions.

As to how Azure servers are configured, I have no idea - that likely depends how you set things up. But the server time zone should not matter: your application should be be using e.g. DateTime.UtcNow rather than DateTime.Now to get current timestamps in UTC, and so be oblivious of the server timestamp. The exception to using UTC should be when you really do care about the time zone (e.g. since some event needs to happen at some point in time in some user's time zone), in which case you need to store the time zone (not offset!) in your database (e.g. see this blog post).

@ajcvickers ajcvickers reopened this Oct 16, 2022
@ajcvickers ajcvickers closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Oct 16, 2022
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ericbl commented Dec 15, 2023

after reading all this discussion and the related npgsql doc, I am still a bit confused about what I should do in our very classic use case:

  • we are developing a service with web api and data exchange with mqtt. So input/output with System.Text.JsonSerializer
  • DB postgres using npgsql with EF Core 6.0.25
  • we want to use only UTC time
  • we have plenty of C# code set with DateTime and not so motivated to switch to DateTimeOffset
  • we have some Entities with DateTime
  • we do NOT set explicitly the DateTimeKind anywhere.

add-migration Initial properly create the DateTime (type: "timestamp with time zone" )
and the seed method with DateTimeKind.Utc

dotnet swagger generate the openapi.json with properties with "format": "date-time"

JsonSerializer also defined UTC per default AKAIK .

Everything seem to work fine in our first tests.

So apparently, there is NOTHING else to add, no need for DateTimeOffset, special converter and so one if UTC is the default all the way.
However, the whole documentation is not very clear there...

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roji commented Dec 16, 2023

@ericbl the details vary somewhat across databases. Generally speaking, there's no need at all to switch to DateTimeOffset for using UTC timestamps; a DateTime with Kind=Utc will do just as well. However, since e.g. SQL Server doesn't store the Kind, DateTime instances read from it will have Kind=Unspecified; this could be a reason to use DateTimeOffset instead, since in that case an offset of 0 can be stored in the database. Or you can use an EF value converter to ensure that DateTimes read from the database have Kind=Utc. In PostgreSQL that particular problem doesn't exist.

Beyond that, if you have a specific question or difficulty, please let us know and we'll try to help.

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crozone commented May 1, 2024

So being able to round-trip DateTime's reliably basically boils down to:

public class UtcDateTimeConverter : ValueConverter<DateTime, DateTime>
    public UtcDateTimeConverter()
        : base(
            static datetime => datetime.ToUniversalTime(),
            static datetime => DateTime.SpecifyKind(datetime, DateTimeKind.Utc)

And then manually applying this to every DateTime property everywhere.

EF really needs this as a built-in feature, with the ability to specify this behaviour as a global convention. The ability to actually store a zone offset is often unnecessary, rather we just want the DateTime round-tripped reliably.

Even if EF picks up the ability to set a global value converter without the need for all that reflection over entity properties, I think UTC DateTime conversion should still be a built-in feature, since it's a super common pitfall and all this boilerplate should ultimately be unnecessary.

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roji commented May 1, 2024

So being able to round-trip DateTime's reliably basically boils down to:

Note that this isn't what "round-tripping" means - your converter makes it so that all DateTimes are returned with Kind=Utc; in other words, the Kind property of the DateTime is lost.

I think UTC DateTime conversion should still be a built-in feature, since it's a super common pitfall and all this boilerplate should ultimately be unnecessary.

Not all users are actually interested in saving UTC timestamps in the database; many scenarios work only with local timestamps of a specific (implicit) timezone, and for those, Unspecified can be a good option.

We would in any case not change the default way that DateTime is written and read, as that would be a big breaking change; in addition, Unspecified DateTimes are returned by the database driver itself (SqlClient), and it's not EF's role to override that decision.

Given that we wouldn't change the default, including a type converter such as what you propose above still wouldn't remove the need to actually configure that converter; because of that, and because the actual converter code is very short/trivial, that seems to be quite low value...

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Agree with everything @roji said, but if you're interested, the available built-in conversions, are documented.

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@crozone just a side note on using ToUniversalTime() against DateTimeKind.Unspecified

var unspecified = new DateTime(2024, 05, 02, 12, 0, 0);

ToLocalTime() handles DateTimes of unspecified kind as they would be of universal time.
ToUniversalTime() handles DateTimes of unspecified kind as they would be of local time.

I'm quite happy with npgsqls decision to just throw on any non-utc value.

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MattCost commented Nov 22, 2024

Unspecified DateTimes are returned by the database driver itself (SqlClient), and it's not EF's role to override that decision.

I know this issue is old and closed, but this way of thinking is silly. Isn't the point of a Data ABSTRACTION Layer to be in between a db and code so the code doesn't have to worry about the database limitations?

The database doesn't need to be a 1:1 mapping to the model, the point of the Database layer is to MAP my model to the database. If EF Core is working against AzureSQL it could create 2 columns for a dataTime, PropertyName_Value and PropertyName_Kind and transparently keep track of the dateTime.kind

Starting a brand new project with AzureSQL + EF Core. My model has a dateTime. My code sets a DateTimeKind. EF Core generates a table. EF Core saves the data. EF Core fetches the data. Yet EFCore is limited by the backing database? Bah humbug.

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roji commented Nov 22, 2024

Isn't the point of a Data ABSTRACTION Layer to be in between a db and code so the code doesn't have to worry about the database limitations?

No, EF explicitly does not try to hide all details of the database, taper over limitations or force the database to act differently than is natural in order to conform to an EF abstraction - this is all very much by design. For a common example, SQL Server is generally a case-insensitive database by default, and some people believe EF should be responsible for making sure string comparisons are done caes-sensitively (since that's how .NET works). But doing so would try to force something on the database that isn't its natural behavior, and can have very high costs in terms of performance.

More concretely, there are many other .NET types that cannot be saved to the database, or cannot be fully roundtripped - that's just the reality of the world when mapping types between two completely different worlds (.NET and e.g. SQL Server); EF cannot magically make all of that go away for you in a way that would be performant, suit all needs and work well everywhere.

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