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Enable more cambridge tests for coreclr (#2071)
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* Add more tests

* indent

* Enable more cambridge tests for coreclr

* Fix typo

* really fix the typo

* system.runtime reference was incompatible with desktop
  • Loading branch information
KevinRansom authored Dec 22, 2016
1 parent eb8d0cf commit 5f206cd
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Showing 11 changed files with 152 additions and 55 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
"Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
"type": "platform",
"version": "1.0.1"
"System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight": "4.3.0",
"imports": [ "netstandard1.1", "netstandard1.6", "portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81" ]
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19 changes: 2 additions & 17 deletions tests/fsharp/core/attributes/test.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ open System.Diagnostics



let main = ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,23 +90,6 @@ end;;
(* attribute on a return type *)
(* NOT YET: let [<return: Ignore("ignore")>] myMethod3 x = x + 1 *)

(* BUG 428 - compile time error - on obsolete attributes *)
let f (cert:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate) =
let x = cert.GetName () in

open System.Threading
let test32498() =
let guiTH = new Thread(new ThreadStart(fun () -> ())) in
guiTH.ApartmentState <- ApartmentState.STA

//let [<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScope>] id x = x

//[<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScope>] let id2 x = x

type A =
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions tests/fsharp/core/control/test.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Core_control

open System.Threading.Tasks

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ module AsBeginEndTests =
(sprintf "cvew0-9rn7")
(let req = AsyncRequest( async { return 2087 } )
let iar = req.BeginAsync(null,null)
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100,true) |> ignore
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) |> ignore

Expand All @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ module AsBeginEndTests =
(let req = AsyncRequest( async { return 2087 } )
let mutable called = 0
let iar = req.BeginAsync(System.AsyncCallback(fun _ -> called <- 10),null)
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100,true) |> ignore
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) |> ignore
let v = req.EndAsync(iar)
v + called)
Expand All @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ module AsBeginEndTests =
let mutable called = 0
let iar = req.BeginAsync(System.AsyncCallback(fun iar -> called <- req.EndAsync(iar)),null)
while not iar.IsCompleted do
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100,true) |> ignore
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) |> ignore

Expand All @@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ module AsBeginEndTests =
return 10 } )
let iar = req.BeginAsync(null,null)
printfn "waiting"
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100,true) |> ignore
iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) |> ignore
printfn "cancelling"
(try req.EndAsync(iar) with :? System.OperationCanceledException as e -> 100 ))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/fsharp/core/patterns/test.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ module RegExp =
check "fwhin3op9" ((|Match|_|) "^.*.ml$" "") (Some [])

let testFun() =
File.WriteAllLines("test.fs", seq { for (IsMatch "(.*).fs" f) in allFiles System.Environment.CurrentDirectory do yield! "-------------------------------" :: "\n" :: "\n" :: ("// FILE: "+f) :: "" :: "module "+(f |> Path.GetDirectoryName |> Path.GetFileName |> (fun s -> s.ToUpper()))+ " =" :: [ for line in Array.toList (File.ReadAllLines(f)) -> " "+line ] } |> Seq.toArray)
File.WriteAllLines("test.fs", seq { for (IsMatch "(.*).fs" f) in allFiles (System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) do yield! "-------------------------------" :: "\n" :: "\n" :: ("// FILE: "+f) :: "" :: "module "+(f |> Path.GetDirectoryName |> Path.GetFileName |> (fun s -> s.ToUpper()))+ " =" :: [ for line in Array.toList (File.ReadAllLines(f)) -> " "+line ] } |> Seq.toArray)

module RandomWalk =
let ran = new System.Random()
Expand Down
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions tests/fsharp/coreclr_utilities.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ module CoreClrUtilities
cl.Split(' ')

let commit (results : _[]) =
match results with
| [||] -> null
| [| m |] -> m
| _ -> raise (AmbiguousMatchException())

type BindingFlags =
| DeclaredOnly = 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,17 +82,45 @@ module CoreClrUtilities
| :? System.Reflection.TypeInfo as c -> if c.IsNested then MemberType.NestedType else MemberType.TypeInfo
|_ -> MemberType.None
mapIsMethodOrConstructor ||| mapIsEvent ||| mapIsField ||| mapIsProperty ||| mapIsTypeInfoOrNested

let inline hasFlag (flag : BindingFlags) f = (f &&& flag) = flag
let isDeclaredFlag f = hasFlag BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly f
let isPublicFlag f = hasFlag BindingFlags.Public f
let isStaticFlag f = hasFlag BindingFlags.Static f
let isInstanceFlag f = hasFlag BindingFlags.Instance f
let isNonPublicFlag f = hasFlag BindingFlags.NonPublic f

let isAcceptable bindingFlags isStatic isPublic =
// 1. check if member kind (static\instance) was specified in flags
((isStaticFlag bindingFlags && isStatic) || (isInstanceFlag bindingFlags && not isStatic)) &&
// 2. check if member accessibility was specified in flags
((isPublicFlag bindingFlags && isPublic) || (isNonPublicFlag bindingFlags && not isPublic))

let publicFlags = BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Static

type System.Reflection.MemberInfo with
member this.GetCustomAttributes(inherits:bool) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy:Type) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy, inherits) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.MemberType = mapMemberType this

type System.Reflection.MethodInfo with
member this.GetCustomAttributes(inherits:bool) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy:Type) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy, inherits) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.MemberType = mapMemberType this

type System.Reflection.PropertyInfo with
member this.GetCustomAttributes(inherits:bool) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy:Type) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy, inherits) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.MemberType = mapMemberType this

type System.Reflection.Assembly with
member this.GetCustomAttributes() : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy, _inherits) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this, attrTy) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetTypes() =
|> (fun ti -> ti.AsType())
Expand All @@ -97,3 +131,50 @@ module CoreClrUtilities
with get () = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
and set culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture <- culture

type System.Type with

member this.Assembly = this.GetTypeInfo().Assembly
// use different sources based on Declared flag
member this.GetConstructor(_bindingFlags, _binder, argsT:Type[], _parameterModifiers) = this.GetConstructor(argsT)
member this.GetConstructor(parameterTypes : Type[]) =
|> Seq.filter (fun ci ->
not ci.IsStatic && //exclude type initializer
let parameters = ci.GetParameters()
(parameters.Length = parameterTypes.Length) &&
(parameterTypes, parameters) ||> Array.forall2 (fun ty pi -> pi.ParameterType.Equals ty)
|> Seq.toArray
|> commit
member this.GetCustomAttributes(attrTy, inherits) : obj[] = downcast box(CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this.GetTypeInfo(), attrTy, inherits) |> Seq.toArray)
member this.GetGenericParameterConstraints() = this.GetTypeInfo().GetGenericParameterConstraints()
member this.GetMethods(bindingFlags) =
(if isDeclaredFlag bindingFlags then this.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods else this.GetRuntimeMethods())
|> Seq.filter (fun m -> isAcceptable bindingFlags m.IsStatic m.IsPublic)
|> Seq.toArray
member this.GetMethods() = this.GetMethods(publicFlags)
member this.GetMethod(name, ?bindingFlags) =
let bindingFlags = defaultArg bindingFlags publicFlags
|> Array.filter(fun m -> m.Name = name)
|> commit
member this.GetMethod(name, _bindingFlags, _binder, argsT:Type[], _parameterModifiers) =
this.GetMethod(name, argsT)
member this.GetProperties(?bindingFlags) =
let bindingFlags = defaultArg bindingFlags publicFlags
(if isDeclaredFlag bindingFlags then this.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties else this.GetRuntimeProperties())
|> Seq.filter (fun pi->
let mi = match pi.GetMethod with | null -> pi.SetMethod | _ -> pi.GetMethod
if mi = null then false
else isAcceptable bindingFlags mi.IsStatic mi.IsPublic
|> Seq.toArray
member this.GetProperty(name, ?bindingFlags) =
let bindingFlags = defaultArg bindingFlags publicFlags
|> Array.filter (fun pi -> pi.Name = name)
|> commit
member this.IsGenericType = this.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType
member this.IsValueType = this.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions tests/fsharp/single-test.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ type Permutation =

let singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg p =
let singleTestBuildAndRunCore cfg (copyFiles:string) p =

//remove FSharp.Core.dll from the target directory to ensure that compiler uses the correct FSharp.Core.dll
do if fileExists cfg "FSharp.Core.dll" then rm cfg "FSharp.Core.dll"

Expand All @@ -36,12 +37,12 @@ let singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg p =

makeDirectory (getDirectoryName outFile)
let fscArgs =
sprintf """--debug:portable --debug+ --out:%s --target:exe -g --define:FX_RESHAPED_REFLECTION --define:NETSTANDARD1_6 --define:FSCORE_PORTABLE_NEW --define:FX_PORTABLE_OR_NETSTANDARD "%s" %s """
sprintf """--debug:portable --debug+ --out:%s --target:exe -g --define:FX_RESHAPED_REFLECTION --define:NETSTANDARD1_6 --define:FSCORE_PORTABLE_NEW --define:FX_PORTABLE_OR_NETSTANDARD --define:FX_RESHAPED_REFLECTION "%s" %s """
(String.concat " " sources)

let fsccArgs = sprintf """--OutputDir:%s %s""" outDir fscArgs
let fsccArgs = sprintf """--OutputDir:%s --CopyDlls:%s %s""" outDir copyFiles fscArgs

fsi cfg "--exec %s %s %s"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +147,12 @@ let singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg p =

let singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg p =
singleTestBuildAndRunCore cfg "" p

let singleTestBuildAndRunWithCopyDlls cfg copyFiles p =
singleTestBuildAndRunCore cfg copyFiles p

let singleTestBuildAndRun dir p =
let cfg = testConfig dir
singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg p
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