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Feature nullness - support overrides of nullness annotation in the im…
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T-Gro authored Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 49e0d7c commit 6827b1c
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Showing 17 changed files with 230 additions and 229 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/Compiler/Checking/CheckExpressions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9226,10 +9226,13 @@ and TcLookupThen cenv overallTy env tpenv mObjExpr objExpr objExprTy longId dela

let objArgs = [objExpr]

// 'base' calls use a different resolution strategy when finding methods.
let findFlag =
let baseCall = IsBaseCall objArgs
(if baseCall then PreferOverrides else IgnoreOverrides)
let findFlag =
// 'base' calls use a different resolution strategy when finding methods
// nullness checks need the overrides, since those can change nullable semantics (e.g. ToString from BCL)
if (g.checkNullness && g.langFeatureNullness) || IsBaseCall objArgs then

// Canonicalize inference problem prior to '.' lookup on variable types
if isTyparTy g objExprTy then
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/Compiler/Checking/ConstraintSolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3646,7 +3646,13 @@ and GetMostApplicableOverload csenv ndeep candidates applicableMeths calledMethG
if c <> 0 then c else

// Properties are kept incl. almost-duplicates because of the partial-override possibility.
// E.g. base can have get,set and derived only get => we keep both props around until method resolution time.
// Now is the type to pick the better (more derived) one.
match candidate.AssociatedPropertyInfo,other.AssociatedPropertyInfo,candidate.Method.IsExtensionMember,other.Method.IsExtensionMember with
| Some p1, Some p2, false, false -> compareTypes p1.ApparentEnclosingType p2.ApparentEnclosingType
| _ -> 0

let bestMethods =
let indexedApplicableMeths = applicableMeths |> List.indexed
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Compiler/Checking/InfoReader.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -644,6 +644,11 @@ type InfoReader(g: TcGlobals, amap: Import.ImportMap) as this =
MethInfosEquivByNameAndSig EraseNone true g amap m,
(fun minfo -> minfo.LogicalName))

static let PropsGetterSetterEquiv innerEquality (p1:PropInfo) (p2:PropInfo) : bool =
p1.HasGetter = p2.HasGetter &&
p1.HasSetter = p2.HasSetter &&
innerEquality p1 p2

/// Filter the overrides of properties, either keeping the overrides or keeping the dispatch slots.
static let FilterOverridesOfPropInfos findFlag g amap m props =
Expand All @@ -652,7 +657,7 @@ type InfoReader(g: TcGlobals, amap: Import.ImportMap) as this =
(fun pinfo -> pinfo.IsNewSlot),
(fun pinfo -> pinfo.IsDefiniteFSharpOverride),
(fun _ -> false),
PropInfosEquivByNameAndSig EraseNone g amap m,
PropsGetterSetterEquiv (PropInfosEquivByNameAndSig EraseNone g amap m),
(fun pinfo -> pinfo.PropertyName))

/// Exclude methods from super types which have the same signature as a method in a more specific type.
Expand All @@ -670,7 +675,7 @@ type InfoReader(g: TcGlobals, amap: Import.ImportMap) as this =
/// Exclude properties from super types which have the same name as a property in a more specific type.
static let ExcludeHiddenOfPropInfosImpl g amap m pinfos =
|> ExcludeItemsInSuperTypesBasedOnEquivTestWithItemsInSubTypes (fun (pinfo: PropInfo) -> pinfo.PropertyName) (PropInfosEquivByNameAndPartialSig EraseNone g amap m)
|> ExcludeItemsInSuperTypesBasedOnEquivTestWithItemsInSubTypes (fun (pinfo: PropInfo) -> pinfo.PropertyName) (PropsGetterSetterEquiv (PropInfosEquivByNameAndPartialSig EraseNone g amap m))
|> List.concat

/// Make a cache for function 'f' keyed by type (plus some additional 'flags') that only
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Compiler/Checking/TypeHierarchy.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ let GetSuperTypeOfType g amap m ty =
let tinst = argsOfAppTy g ty
match tdef.Extends with
| None -> None
// 'inherit' cannot refer to a nullable type
| Some ilTy ->
| Some ilTy -> // 'inherit' can refer to a type which has nullable type arguments (e.g. List<string?>)
let typeAttrs = AttributesFromIL(tdef.MetadataIndex,tdef.CustomAttrsStored)
let nullness = {DirectAttributes = typeAttrs; Fallback = FromClass typeAttrs}
Some (RescopeAndImportILType scoref amap m tinst nullness ilTy)
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TcGlobals.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ type TcGlobals(

let v_langFeatureNullness = langVersion.SupportsFeature LanguageFeature.NullnessChecking

let v_renderNullness = checkNullness && v_langFeatureNullness

let v_knownWithNull =
if v_langFeatureNullness then KnownWithNull else KnownAmbivalentToNull

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,6 +1107,8 @@ type TcGlobals(

member _.langFeatureNullness = v_langFeatureNullness

member _.renderNullnessAnnotations = v_renderNullness

member _.knownWithNull = v_knownWithNull

member _.knownWithoutNull = v_knownWithoutNull
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeBasics.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,7 +245,11 @@ let rec stripUnitEqnsAux canShortcut unt =
let combineNullness (nullnessOrig: Nullness) (nullnessNew: Nullness) =
match nullnessOrig.Evaluate() with
| NullnessInfo.WithoutNull -> nullnessNew
| NullnessInfo.AmbivalentToNull -> nullnessOrig
| NullnessInfo.AmbivalentToNull ->
match nullnessNew.Evaluate() with
| NullnessInfo.WithoutNull -> nullnessOrig
| NullnessInfo.AmbivalentToNull -> nullnessOrig
| NullnessInfo.WithNull -> nullnessNew
| NullnessInfo.WithNull ->
match nullnessNew.Evaluate() with
| NullnessInfo.WithoutNull -> nullnessOrig
Expand Down
23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1082,6 +1082,18 @@ and typeAEquivAux erasureFlag g aenv ty1 ty2 =

| _ -> false

and nullnessSensitivetypeAEquivAux erasureFlag g aenv ty1 ty2 =
let ty1 = stripTyEqnsWrtErasure erasureFlag g ty1
let ty2 = stripTyEqnsWrtErasure erasureFlag g ty2
match ty1, ty2 with
| TType_var (_,n1), TType_var (_,n2)
| TType_app (_,_,n1), TType_app (_,_,n2)
| TType_fun (_,_,n1), TType_fun (_,_,n2) ->
n1 === n2
| _ -> true

&& typeAEquivAux erasureFlag g aenv ty1 ty2

and anonInfoEquiv (anonInfo1: AnonRecdTypeInfo) (anonInfo2: AnonRecdTypeInfo) =
ccuEq anonInfo1.Assembly anonInfo2.Assembly &&
structnessAEquiv anonInfo1.TupInfo anonInfo2.TupInfo &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -8771,6 +8783,9 @@ let typarEnc _g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) typar =
warning(InternalError("Typar not found during XmlDoc generation", typar.Range))

let nullnessEnc (g:TcGlobals) (nullness:Nullness) =
if g.renderNullnessAnnotations then nullness.ToFsharpCodeString() else ""

let rec typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) ty =
let stripped = stripTyEqnsAndMeasureEqns g ty
match stripped with
Expand All @@ -8789,7 +8804,7 @@ let rec typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) ty =
let tcref, tinst = destAppTy g ty
let rank = rankOfArrayTyconRef g tcref
let arraySuffix = "[" + String.concat ", " (List.replicate (rank-1) "0:") + "]"
typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) (List.head tinst) + arraySuffix + nullness.ToFsharpCodeString()
typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) (List.head tinst) + arraySuffix + nullnessEnc g nullness

| TType_ucase (_, tinst)
| TType_app (_, tinst, _) ->
Expand All @@ -8804,7 +8819,7 @@ let rec typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) ty =
| _ ->
assert false
failwith "impossible"
tyName + tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) tinst + nullness.ToFsharpCodeString()
tyName + tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) tinst + nullnessEnc g nullness

| TType_anon (anonInfo, tinst) ->
sprintf "%s%s" anonInfo.ILTypeRef.FullName (tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) tinst)
Expand All @@ -8816,10 +8831,10 @@ let rec typeEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) ty =
sprintf "System.Tuple%s"(tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) tys)

| TType_fun (domainTy, rangeTy, nullness) ->
"Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc" + tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) [domainTy; rangeTy] + nullness.ToFsharpCodeString()
"Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc" + tyargsEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) [domainTy; rangeTy] + nullnessEnc g nullness

| TType_var (typar, nullness) ->
typarEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) typar + nullness.ToFsharpCodeString()
typarEnc g (gtpsType, gtpsMethod) typar + nullnessEnc g nullness

| TType_measure _ -> "?"

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -896,6 +896,8 @@ val typarsAEquiv: TcGlobals -> TypeEquivEnv -> Typars -> Typars -> bool

val typeAEquivAux: Erasure -> TcGlobals -> TypeEquivEnv -> TType -> TType -> bool

val nullnessSensitivetypeAEquivAux: Erasure -> TcGlobals -> TypeEquivEnv -> TType -> TType -> bool

val typeAEquiv: TcGlobals -> TypeEquivEnv -> TType -> TType -> bool

val returnTypesAEquivAux: Erasure -> TcGlobals -> TypeEquivEnv -> TType option -> TType option -> bool
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,16 +14,23 @@ module MemberDefinitions_MethodsAndProperties =
|> withOptions ["--nowarn:988"]
|> compile

let verifyCompileAndRun compilation =
let verifyCompileAndRun = verifyCompile >> run

// SOURCE=PartiallyOverridenProperty.fs
[<Theory; Directory(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, Includes=[|"PartiallyOverridenProperty.fs"|])>]
let ``Partially Overriden Property`` compilation =
|> asExe
|> withOptions ["--nowarn:988"]
|> compileAndRun
|> withLangVersionPreview
|> withCheckNulls
|> typecheck
|> shouldSucceed

// SOURCE=AbstractProperties01.fs # AbstractProperties01.fs
[<Theory; Directory(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, Includes=[|"AbstractProperties01.fs"|])>]
let ``AbstractProperties01_fs`` compilation =
|> withLangVersionPreview
|> withCheckNulls
|> verifyCompileAndRun
|> shouldSucceed

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module MyLib

type BaseType() =
abstract Msg : string with get,set
default this.Msg
with get() = ""
and set x = printfn "%s" x

type DerivedType() =
inherit BaseType()
override this.Msg with get() = "getterOnly"

let d = new DerivedType()
d.Msg <- "" //invoking setter
printfn "%s" d.Msg //invoking getter

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