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Implement DocumentHighlightsService (#1943)
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* implement DocumentHighlightsService

* use the right ImportingConstructor attribute

* tolerate being on the right of the identifier

* add a DocumentHighlightsService test

* fix erroneous qualified symbol ranges (wip)

* fix `fixInvalidSymbolSpans`

* fix after merge

* update packages to 2.0.0-rc

* remove double try to find symbol

* fix after merge

fix tryClassifyAtPosition
  • Loading branch information
vasily-kirichenko authored and KevinRansom committed Dec 16, 2016
1 parent a0014ed commit 6dd77c7
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Showing 7 changed files with 272 additions and 38 deletions.
64 changes: 37 additions & 27 deletions vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/CommonHelpers.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,12 @@ open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.LanguageService
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices.ItemDescriptionIcons

module CommonHelpers =
type internal SymbolSearchKind =
| IncludeRightColumn
| DoesNotIncludeRightColumn

module internal CommonHelpers =
type private SourceLineData(lineStart: int, lexStateAtStartOfLine: FSharpTokenizerLexState, lexStateAtEndOfLine: FSharpTokenizerLexState, hashCode: int, classifiedSpans: IReadOnlyList<ClassifiedSpan>) =
member val LineStart = lineStart
member val LexStateAtStartOfLine = lexStateAtStartOfLine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +101,8 @@ module CommonHelpers =

SourceLineData(textLine.Start, lexState, previousLexState.Value, lineContents.GetHashCode(), classifiedSpans)

let getColorizationData(documentKey: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, textSpan: TextSpan, fileName: string option, defines: string list, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : List<ClassifiedSpan> =
let getColorizationData(documentKey: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, textSpan: TextSpan, fileName: string option, defines: string list,
cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : List<ClassifiedSpan> =
let sourceTokenizer = FSharpSourceTokenizer(defines, fileName)
let lines = sourceText.Lines
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,36 +165,40 @@ module CommonHelpers =

let tryClassifyAtPosition (documentKey, sourceText: SourceText, filePath, defines, position: int, cancellationToken) =
let tryClassifyAtPosition (documentKey, sourceText: SourceText, filePath, defines, position: int, symbolSearchKind: SymbolSearchKind, cancellationToken) =
let textLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(position)
let textLinePos = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePosition(position)
let textLineColumn = textLinePos.Character
let spans = getColorizationData(documentKey, sourceText, textLine.Span, Some filePath, defines, cancellationToken)

let classifiedSpanOption =
getColorizationData(documentKey, sourceText, textLine.Span, Some(filePath), defines, cancellationToken)
|> Seq.tryFind(fun classifiedSpan -> classifiedSpan.TextSpan.Contains(position))

match classifiedSpanOption with
| Some(classifiedSpan) ->
match classifiedSpan.ClassificationType with
| ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName
| ClassificationTypeNames.DelegateName
| ClassificationTypeNames.EnumName
| ClassificationTypeNames.InterfaceName
| ClassificationTypeNames.ModuleName
| ClassificationTypeNames.StructName
| ClassificationTypeNames.TypeParameterName
| ClassificationTypeNames.Identifier ->
match QuickParse.GetCompleteIdentifierIsland true (textLine.ToString()) textLineColumn with
| Some (islandIdentifier, islandColumn, isQuoted) ->
let qualifiers = if isQuoted then [islandIdentifier] else islandIdentifier.Split '.' |> Array.toList
Some (islandColumn, qualifiers, classifiedSpan.TextSpan)
| None -> None
| ClassificationTypeNames.Operator ->
let islandColumn = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePositionSpan(classifiedSpan.TextSpan).End.Character
Some (islandColumn, [""], classifiedSpan.TextSpan)
let attempt (position: int) =
let classifiedSpanOption = spans |> Seq.tryFind (fun classifiedSpan -> classifiedSpan.TextSpan.Contains position)

match classifiedSpanOption with
| Some(classifiedSpan) ->
match classifiedSpan.ClassificationType with
| ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName
| ClassificationTypeNames.DelegateName
| ClassificationTypeNames.EnumName
| ClassificationTypeNames.InterfaceName
| ClassificationTypeNames.ModuleName
| ClassificationTypeNames.StructName
| ClassificationTypeNames.TypeParameterName
| ClassificationTypeNames.Identifier ->
match QuickParse.GetCompleteIdentifierIsland true (textLine.ToString()) textLineColumn with
| Some (islandIdentifier, islandColumn, isQuoted) ->
let qualifiers = if isQuoted then [islandIdentifier] else islandIdentifier.Split '.' |> Array.toList
Some (islandColumn, qualifiers, classifiedSpan.TextSpan)
| None -> None
| ClassificationTypeNames.Operator ->
let islandColumn = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePositionSpan(classifiedSpan.TextSpan).End.Character
Some (islandColumn, [""], classifiedSpan.TextSpan)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
| _ -> None

match attempt position, symbolSearchKind with
| None, SymbolSearchKind.IncludeRightColumn -> attempt (position - 1)
| x, _ -> x

/// Fix invalid span if it appears to have redundant suffix and prefix.
let fixupSpan (sourceText: SourceText, span: TextSpan) : TextSpan =
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor

open System
open System.Composition
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Linq
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.ReferenceHighlighting
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.Mef
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text

open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.LanguageService
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging

open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Parser
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Range
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open System.Windows.Documents

type internal FSharpHighlightSpan =
{ IsDefinition: bool
TextSpan: TextSpan }
override this.ToString() = sprintf "%+A" this

[<ExportLanguageService(typeof<IDocumentHighlightsService>, FSharpCommonConstants.FSharpLanguageName)>]
type internal FSharpDocumentHighlightsService [<ImportingConstructor>] (checkerProvider: FSharpCheckerProvider, projectInfoManager: ProjectInfoManager) =

/// Fix invalid spans if they appear to have redundant suffix and prefix.
static let fixInvalidSymbolSpans (sourceText: SourceText) (lastIdent: string) (spans: FSharpHighlightSpan []) =
|> Seq.choose (fun (span: FSharpHighlightSpan) ->
let newLastIdent = sourceText.GetSubText(span.TextSpan).ToString()
let index = newLastIdent.LastIndexOf(lastIdent, StringComparison.Ordinal)
if index > 0 then
// Sometimes FCS returns a composite identifier for a short symbol, so we truncate the prefix
// Example: newLastIdent --> "x.Length", lastIdent --> "Length"
Some { span with TextSpan = TextSpan(span.TextSpan.Start + index, span.TextSpan.Length - index) }
elif index = 0 && newLastIdent.Length > lastIdent.Length then
// The returned symbol use is too long; we truncate its redundant suffix
// Example: newLastIdent --> "Length<'T>", lastIdent --> "Length"
Some { span with TextSpan = TextSpan(span.TextSpan.Start, lastIdent.Length) }
elif index = 0 then
Some span
// In the case of attributes, a returned symbol use may be a part of original text
// Example: newLastIdent --> "Sample", lastIdent --> "SampleAttribute"
let index = lastIdent.LastIndexOf(newLastIdent, StringComparison.Ordinal)
if index >= 0 then
Some span
else None)
|> Seq.distinctBy (fun span -> span.TextSpan.Start)
|> Seq.toArray

static member GetDocumentHighlights(checker: FSharpChecker, documentKey: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, filePath: string, position: int,
defines: string list, options: FSharpProjectOptions, textVersionHash: int, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : Async<FSharpHighlightSpan[]> =
async {
let textLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(position)
let textLinePos = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePosition(position)
let fcsTextLineNumber = textLinePos.Line + 1

match CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(documentKey, sourceText, filePath, defines, position, SymbolSearchKind.IncludeRightColumn, cancellationToken) with
| Some (_, [], _) -> return [||]
| Some (islandEndColumn, qualifiers, _span) ->
let! _parseResults, checkFileAnswer = checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(filePath, textVersionHash, sourceText.ToString(), options)
match checkFileAnswer with
| FSharpCheckFileAnswer.Aborted -> return [||]
| FSharpCheckFileAnswer.Succeeded(checkFileResults) ->
let! symbolUse = checkFileResults.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(fcsTextLineNumber, islandEndColumn, textLine.ToString(), qualifiers)
match symbolUse with
| Some symbolUse ->
let! symbolUses = checkFileResults.GetUsesOfSymbolInFile(symbolUse.Symbol)
let lastIdent = List.last qualifiers
[| for symbolUse in symbolUses do
yield { IsDefinition = symbolUse.IsFromDefinition
TextSpan = CommonRoslynHelpers.FSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, symbolUse.RangeAlternate) } |]
|> fixInvalidSymbolSpans sourceText lastIdent
| None -> return [||]
| None -> return [||]

interface IDocumentHighlightsService with
member __.GetDocumentHighlightsAsync(document, position, _documentsToSearch, cancellationToken) : Task<ImmutableArray<DocumentHighlights>> =
async {
match projectInfoManager.TryGetOptionsForEditingDocumentOrProject(document) with
| Some options ->
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
let! textVersion = document.GetTextVersionAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
let defines = CompilerEnvironment.GetCompilationDefinesForEditing(document.Name, options.OtherOptions |> Seq.toList)
let! spans = FSharpDocumentHighlightsService.GetDocumentHighlights(checkerProvider.Checker, document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, position, defines, options, textVersion.GetHashCode(), cancellationToken)

let highlightSpans = spans |> (fun span ->
let kind = if span.IsDefinition then HighlightSpanKind.Definition else HighlightSpanKind.Reference
HighlightSpan(span.TextSpan, kind))

return [| DocumentHighlights(document, highlightSpans.ToImmutableArray()) |].ToImmutableArray()
| None -> return ImmutableArray<DocumentHighlights>()
|> CommonRoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask(cancellationToken)
18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,17 @@
<Compile Include="LanguageService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Classification\ColorizationService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Utilities\BraceMatchingService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Utilities\IndentationService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Debugging\BreakpointResolutionService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Debugging\LanguageDebugInfoService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Diagnostics\DocumentDiagnosticAnalyzer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Diagnostics\ProjectDiagnosticAnalyzer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Completion\CompletionProvider.fs" />
<Compile Include="Completion\SignatureHelp.fs" />
<Compile Include="Utilities\IndentationService.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Debugging\BreakpointResolutionService.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Debugging\LanguageDebugInfoService.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Diagnostics\DocumentDiagnosticAnalyzer.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Diagnostics\ProjectDiagnosticAnalyzer.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Completion\CompletionProvider.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Completion\SignatureHelp.fs"/>
<Compile Include="BlockComment\CommentUncommentService.fs"/>
<Compile Include="QuickInfo\QuickInfoProvider.fs"/>
<Compile Include="DocumentHighlights\DocumentHighlightsService.fs" />
<Compile Include="HelpContextService.fs"/>
<Compile Include="Navigation\GoToDefinitionService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Navigation\NavigationBarItemService.fs" />
<Compile Include="Navigation\NavigateToSearchService.fs" />
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ type internal FSharpGoToDefinitionService
let textLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(position)
let textLinePos = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePosition(position)
let fcsTextLineNumber = textLinePos.Line + 1 // Roslyn line numbers are zero-based, FSharp.Compiler.Service line numbers are 1-based
match CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(documentKey, sourceText, filePath, defines, position, cancellationToken) with
match CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(documentKey, sourceText, filePath, defines, position, SymbolSearchKind.IncludeRightColumn, cancellationToken) with
| Some (islandColumn, qualifiers, _) ->
let! _parseResults, checkFileAnswer = checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(filePath, textVersionHash, sourceText.ToString(), options)
match checkFileAnswer with
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ type internal FSharpQuickInfoProvider
//let qualifyingNames, partialName = QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx(textLine.ToString(), textLineColumn - 1)
let defines = CompilerEnvironment.GetCompilationDefinesForEditing(filePath, options.OtherOptions |> Seq.toList)
let tryClassifyAtPosition position =
CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(documentId, sourceText, filePath, defines, position, cancellationToken)
CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(documentId, sourceText, filePath, defines, position, SymbolSearchKind.DoesNotIncludeRightColumn, cancellationToken)

let quickParseInfo =
match tryClassifyAtPosition position with
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ type internal FSharpQuickInfoProvider
async {
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
let defines = projectInfoManager.GetCompilationDefinesForEditingDocument(document)
let classification = CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, defines, position, cancellationToken)
let classification =
CommonHelpers.tryClassifyAtPosition(document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, defines, position, SymbolSearchKind.DoesNotIncludeRightColumn, cancellationToken)

match classification with
| Some _ ->
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101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions vsintegration/tests/unittests/DocumentHighlightsServiceTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@

// To run the tests in this file:
// Technique 1: Compile VisualFSharp.Unittests.dll and run it as a set of unit tests
// Technique 2:
// Enable some tests in the #if EXE section at the end of the file,
// then compile this file as an EXE that has InternalsVisibleTo access into the
// appropriate DLLs. This can be the quickest way to get turnaround on updating the tests
// and capturing large amounts of structured output.
cd Debug\net40\bin
.\fsc.exe --define:EXE -r:.\Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll -o VisualFSharp.Unittests.exe -g --optimize- -r .\FSharp.LanguageService.Compiler.dll -r .\FSharp.Editor.dll -r nunit.framework.dll ..\..\..\tests\service\FsUnit.fs ..\..\..\tests\service\Common.fs /delaysign /keyfile:..\..\..\src\fsharp\msft.pubkey ..\..\..\vsintegration\tests\unittests\CompletionProviderTests.fs
// Technique 3:
// Use F# Interactive. This only works for FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll which has a public API

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
module Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor.Tests.Roslyn.DocumentHighlightsServiceTests

open System
open System.Threading

open NUnit.Framework

open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor

open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices

let filePath = "C:\\test.fs"

let internal options = {
ProjectFileName = "C:\\test.fsproj"
ProjectFileNames = [| filePath |]
ReferencedProjects = [| |]
OtherOptions = [| |]
IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = true
UseScriptResolutionRules = false
LoadTime = DateTime.MaxValue
UnresolvedReferences = None
ExtraProjectInfo = None

let private getSpans (sourceText: SourceText) (caretPosition: int) =
let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())
FSharpChecker.Instance, documentId, sourceText, filePath, caretPosition, [], options, 0, CancellationToken.None)
|> Async.RunSynchronously

let private span sourceText isDefinition (startLine, startCol) (endLine, endCol) =
let range = Range.mkRange filePath (Range.mkPos startLine startCol) (Range.mkPos endLine endCol)
{ IsDefinition = isDefinition
TextSpan = CommonRoslynHelpers.FSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, range) }

let ShouldHighlightAllSimpleLocalSymbolReferences() =
let fileContents = """
let foo x =
x + x
let y = foo 2
let sourceText = SourceText.From(fileContents)
let caretPosition = fileContents.IndexOf("foo") + 1
let spans = getSpans sourceText caretPosition

let expected =
[| span sourceText true (2, 8) (2, 11)
span sourceText false (4, 12) (4, 15) |]

Assert.AreEqual(expected, spans)

let ShouldHighlightAllQualifiedSymbolReferences() =
let fileContents = """
let x = System.DateTime.Now
let y = System.DateTime.MaxValue
let sourceText = SourceText.From(fileContents)
let caretPosition = fileContents.IndexOf("DateTime") + 1
let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())

let spans = getSpans sourceText caretPosition

let expected =
[| span sourceText false (2, 19) (2, 27)
span sourceText false (3, 19) (3, 27) |]

Assert.AreEqual(expected, spans)

let caretPosition = fileContents.IndexOf("Now") + 1
let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())
let spans = getSpans sourceText caretPosition
let expected = [| span sourceText false (2, 28) (2, 31) |]

Assert.AreEqual(expected, spans)

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