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Parens: miscellaneous fixes (#16262)
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* Miscellaneous parenthesization fixes
  • Loading branch information
brianrourkeboll authored Nov 14, 2023
1 parent c7d1ab9 commit 995a182
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Showing 2 changed files with 229 additions and 38 deletions.
161 changes: 123 additions & 38 deletions src/Compiler/Service/ServiceAnalysis.fs
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Expand Up @@ -456,6 +456,8 @@ module UnusedDeclarations =
module UnnecessaryParentheses =
open System

let (|Ident|) (ident: Ident) = ident.idText

/// Represents an expression's precedence, or,
/// for a few few types of expression whose exact
/// kind can be significant, the expression's exact kind.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,11 +875,27 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| SynExpr.DotIndexedGet(objectExpr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)) -> ValueSome(Dot, Left)
| _ -> ValueNone

/// Matches a SynExpr.App nested in a sequence of dot-gets.
/// x.M.N().O
[<return: Struct>]
let (|NestedApp|_|) expr =
let rec loop =
| SynExpr.DotGet (expr = expr)
| SynExpr.DotIndexedGet (objectExpr = expr) -> loop expr
| SynExpr.App _ -> ValueSome NestedApp
| _ -> ValueNone

loop expr

/// Returns the given expression's precedence, if applicable.
[<return: Struct>]
let (|InnerBinaryExpr|_|) expr : Precedence voption =
match expr with
| SynExpr.Tuple(isStruct = false) -> ValueSome Comma
| SynExpr.DotGet(expr = NestedApp)
| SynExpr.DotIndexedGet(objectExpr = NestedApp) -> ValueSome Apply
| SynExpr.DotGet _
| SynExpr.DotIndexedGet _ -> ValueSome Dot
| PrefixApp prec -> ValueSome prec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -936,6 +954,13 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| SynExpr.IfThenElse _ as expr -> Some expr
| _ -> None)

/// Matches a dangling sequential expression.
[<return: Struct>]
let (|Sequential|_|) =
dangling (function
| SynExpr.Sequential _ as expr -> Some expr
| _ -> None)

/// Matches a dangling try-with or try-finally construct.
[<return: Struct>]
let (|Try|_|) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1192,6 +1217,19 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.App _) :: SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.App(argExpr = SynExpr.ArrayOrListComputed(isArray = false))) :: _ ->

// Parens must stay around binary equals expressions in argument
// position lest they be interpreted as named argument assignments:
// o.M((x = y))
// o.N((x = y), z)
| SynExpr.Paren(expr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = InfixApp (Eq, _))),
SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.App(funcExpr = SynExpr.LongIdent _)) :: _
| SynExpr.Paren(expr = InfixApp (Eq, _)),
SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Paren _) :: SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.App(funcExpr = SynExpr.LongIdent _)) :: _
| SynExpr.Paren(expr = InfixApp (Eq, _)),
SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Tuple(isStruct = false)) :: SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Paren _) :: SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.App(funcExpr = SynExpr.LongIdent _)) :: _ ->

// The :: operator is parsed differently from other symbolic infix operators,
// so we need to give it special treatment.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1249,6 +1287,8 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
match outer, inner with
| ConfusableWithTypeApp, _ -> ValueNone

| SynExpr.IfThenElse _, Dangling.Sequential _ -> ValueNone

| SynExpr.IfThenElse (trivia = trivia), Dangling.IfThen ifThenElse when
problematic ifThenElse.Range trivia.ThenKeyword
|| trivia.ElseKeyword |> Option.exists (problematic ifThenElse.Range)
Expand All @@ -1258,15 +1298,44 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| SynExpr.TryFinally (trivia = trivia), Dangling.Try tryExpr when problematic tryExpr.Range trivia.FinallyKeyword ->

| (SynExpr.Match (clauses = clauses) | SynExpr.MatchLambda (matchClauses = clauses) | SynExpr.MatchBang (clauses = clauses)),
Dangling.Match matchOrTry when anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses -> ValueNone
| SynExpr.Match (clauses = clauses; trivia = { WithKeyword = withKeyword }), Dangling.Match matchOrTry when
problematic matchOrTry.Range withKeyword
|| anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses

| SynExpr.MatchBang (clauses = clauses; trivia = { WithKeyword = withKeyword }), Dangling.Match matchOrTry when
problematic matchOrTry.Range withKeyword
|| anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses

| SynExpr.MatchLambda (matchClauses = clauses), Dangling.Match matchOrTry when anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses ->

| SynExpr.TryWith (withCases = clauses; trivia = trivia), Dangling.Match matchOrTry when
anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses
|| problematic matchOrTry.Range trivia.WithKeyword
problematic matchOrTry.Range trivia.WithKeyword
|| anyProblematic matchOrTry.Range clauses

| SynExpr.Sequential(expr1 = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)), Dangling.Problematic _ -> ValueNone

| SynExpr.Paren _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Quote _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.AnonRecd _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Record _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.While(doExpr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.WhileBang(doExpr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.For(doBody = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.ForEach(bodyExpr = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Match _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Do _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.LetOrUse(body = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.TryWith _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.TryFinally _, SynExpr.Typed _ -> ValueSome range
| _, SynExpr.Typed _ -> ValueNone

| OuterBinaryExpr inner (outerPrecedence, side), InnerBinaryExpr innerPrecedence ->
let ambiguous =
match outerPrecedence innerPrecedence with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1295,31 +1364,6 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| OuterBinaryExpr inner (_, Right), (SynExpr.Sequential _ | SynExpr.LetOrUse(trivia = { InKeyword = None })) -> ValueNone
| OuterBinaryExpr inner (_, Right), inner -> if dangling inner then ValueNone else ValueSome range

| SynExpr.Typed _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.WhileBang(whileExpr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.While(whileExpr = SynExpr.Paren(expr = Is inner)), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.For(identBody = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.For(toBody = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.ForEach(enumExpr = Is inner), SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.ArrayOrList _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.ArrayOrListComputed _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.IndexRange _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.IndexFromEnd _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.ComputationExpr _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Lambda _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Assert _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.App _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Lazy _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.LongIdentSet _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.DotSet _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Set _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.DotIndexedSet _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.NamedIndexedPropertySet _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Upcast _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.Downcast _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.AddressOf _, SynExpr.Typed _
| SynExpr.JoinIn _, SynExpr.Typed _ -> ValueNone

// new T(expr)
| SynExpr.New _, AtomicExprAfterType -> ValueSome range
| SynExpr.New _, _ -> ValueNone
Expand All @@ -1331,7 +1375,6 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| _, SynExpr.Paren _
| _, SynExpr.Quote _
| _, SynExpr.Const _
| _, SynExpr.Typed _
| _, SynExpr.Tuple(isStruct = true)
| _, SynExpr.AnonRecd _
| _, SynExpr.ArrayOrList _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1378,29 +1421,51 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| _ -> ValueNone

module SynPat =
[<return: Struct>]
let (|AnyTyped|_|) pats =
|> List.exists (function
| SynPat.Typed _ -> true
| _ -> false)
ValueSome AnyTyped

/// If the given pattern is a parenthesized pattern and the parentheses
/// are unnecessary in the given context, returns the unnecessary parentheses' range.
let unnecessaryParentheses pat path =
let (|Last|) = List.last

match pat, path with
// Parens are needed in:
// let (Pattern …) = …
// let (x: …, y…) = …
// let (x: …), (y: …) = …
// let! (x: …) = …
// and! (x: …) = …
// use! (x: …) = …
// _.member M(x: …) = …
// match … with (x: …) -> …
// match … with (x, y: …) -> …
// function (x: …) -> …
// fun (x, y, …) -> …
// fun (x: …) -> …
// fun (Pattern …) -> …
| SynPat.Paren _, SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.LetOrUseBang(pat = SynPat.Paren(pat = SynPat.Typed _))) :: _
| SynPat.Paren _, SyntaxNode.SynMatchClause (SynMatchClause(pat = SynPat.Paren(pat = SynPat.Typed _))) :: _
| SynPat.Paren(pat = SynPat.LongIdent _), SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren(pat = SynPat.LongIdent _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren _, SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda(args = SynSimplePats.SimplePats(pats = _ :: _ :: _))) :: _
| SynPat.Paren _, SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda(args = SynSimplePats.SimplePats(pats = [ SynSimplePat.Typed _ ]))) :: _ ->
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.LetOrUseBang _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.Tuple _) :: SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.LetOrUseBang _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple (isStruct = false; elementPats = AnyTyped), _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.LetOrUseBang _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynMatchClause _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.Tuple _) :: SyntaxNode.SynMatchClause _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple (isStruct = false; elementPats = Last (SynPat.Typed _)), _), SyntaxNode.SynMatchClause _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.Tuple _) :: SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple (isStruct = false; elementPats = AnyTyped), _), SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.LongIdent _, _), SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.LongIdent _, _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Tuple(isStruct = false), _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda(parsedData = Some _)) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Typed _, _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.Lambda(parsedData = Some _)) :: _ -> ValueNone

// () is parsed as this in certain cases…
Expand All @@ -1415,6 +1480,24 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Const (SynConst.Unit, _), _), SyntaxNode.SynExpr (SynExpr.LetOrUseBang _) :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Const (SynConst.Unit, _), _), SyntaxNode.SynMatchClause _ :: _ -> ValueNone

// (()) is required when overriding a generic member
// where unit is the generic type argument:
// type C<'T> = abstract M : 'T -> unit
// let _ = { new C<unit> with override _.M (()) = () }
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Const (SynConst.Unit, _), _), _),
SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.LongIdent _) :: SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _
| SynPat.Paren (SynPat.Const (SynConst.Unit, _), _),
SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.Paren _) :: SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.LongIdent _) :: SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: _ -> ValueNone

// Parens are required for the first of multiple additional constructors.
// We simply require them always.
// type T … =
// new (x) = …
// new (x, y) = …
| SynPat.Paren _, SyntaxNode.SynPat (SynPat.LongIdent(longDotId = SynLongIdent(id = [ Ident "new" ]))) :: _ -> ValueNone

// Parens are otherwise never needed in these cases:
// let (x: …) = …
Expand All @@ -1437,7 +1520,9 @@ module UnnecessaryParentheses =
| SynPat.Paren (inner, range), SyntaxNode.SynPat outer :: _ ->
match outer, inner with
// (x :: xs) :: ys
| SynPat.ListCons(lhsPat = SynPat.Paren(pat = Is inner)), SynPat.ListCons _ -> ValueNone
// (x, xs) :: ys
| SynPat.ListCons(lhsPat = SynPat.Paren(pat = Is inner)), SynPat.ListCons _
| SynPat.ListCons(lhsPat = SynPat.Paren(pat = Is inner)), SynPat.Tuple(isStruct = false) -> ValueNone

// A as (B | C)
// A as (B & C)
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