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Stack overflow fixes #7151

merged 28 commits into from
Jul 10, 2019
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188 changes: 119 additions & 69 deletions src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/lib.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -536,3 +536,14 @@ module UnmanagedProcessExecutionOptions =
"HeapSetInformation() returned FALSE; LastError = 0x" +
GetLastError().ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + "."))

module StackGuard =

open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

let private MaxUncheckedRecursionDepth = 20

let EnsureSufficientExecutionStack recursionDepth =
if recursionDepth > MaxUncheckedRecursionDepth then
RuntimeHelpers.EnsureSufficientExecutionStack ()
94 changes: 90 additions & 4 deletions tests/fsharp/Compiler/CompilerAssert.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,19 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Shell

open NUnit.Framework
open System.Reflection.Emit

type ILVerifier (dllFilePath: string) =

member this.VerifyIL (qualifiedItemName: string, expectedIL: string) =
ILChecker.checkILItem qualifiedItemName dllFilePath [ expectedIL ]

member this.VerifyIL (expectedIL: string list) =
ILChecker.checkIL dllFilePath expectedIL

member this.VerifyILWithLineNumbers (qualifiedItemName: string, expectedIL: string) =
ILChecker.checkILItemWithLineNumbers qualifiedItemName dllFilePath [ expectedIL ]

module CompilerAssert =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,10 +61,45 @@ module CompilerAssert =
Stamp = None

let lockObj = obj ()
let private gate = obj ()

let private compile isExe source f =
lock gate <| fun () ->
let inputFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".fs")
let outputFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension (Path.GetTempFileName(), if isExe then ".exe" else ".dll")
let runtimeConfigFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension (outputFilePath, ".runtimeconfig.json")
let fsCoreDllPath = config.FSCOREDLLPATH
let tmpFsCoreFilePath = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilePath), Path.GetFileName(fsCoreDllPath))
File.Copy (fsCoreDllPath , tmpFsCoreFilePath, true)
File.WriteAllText (inputFilePath, source)
File.WriteAllText (runtimeConfigFilePath, """
"runtimeOptions": {
"tfm": "netcoreapp2.1",
"framework": {
"name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
"version": "2.1.0"

let args =
|> Array.append [| "fsc.exe"; inputFilePath; "-o:" + outputFilePath; (if isExe then "--target:exe" else "--target:library"); "--nowin32manifest" |]
let errors, _ = checker.Compile args |> Async.RunSynchronously

f (errors, outputFilePath)

try File.Delete inputFilePath with | _ -> ()
try File.Delete outputFilePath with | _ -> ()
try File.Delete runtimeConfigFilePath with | _ -> ()
try File.Delete tmpFsCoreFilePath with | _ -> ()

let Pass (source: string) =
lock lockObj <| fun () ->
lock gate <| fun () ->
let parseResults, fileAnswer = checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject("test.fs", 0, SourceText.ofString source, defaultProjectOptions) |> Async.RunSynchronously

Assert.True(parseResults.Errors.Length = 0, sprintf "Parse errors: %A" parseResults.Errors)
Expand All @@ -63,7 +111,7 @@ module CompilerAssert =
Assert.True(typeCheckResults.Errors.Length = 0, sprintf "Type Check errors: %A" typeCheckResults.Errors)

let TypeCheckSingleError (source: string) (expectedErrorNumber: int) (expectedErrorRange: int * int * int * int) (expectedErrorMsg: string) =
lock lockObj <| fun () ->
lock gate <| fun () ->
let parseResults, fileAnswer = checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject("test.fs", 0, SourceText.ofString source, defaultProjectOptions) |> Async.RunSynchronously

Assert.True(parseResults.Errors.Length = 0, sprintf "Parse errors: %A" parseResults.Errors)
Expand All @@ -81,8 +129,46 @@ module CompilerAssert =
Assert.AreEqual(expectedErrorMsg, info.Message, "expectedErrorMsg")

let CompileExe (source: string) =
compile true source (fun (errors, _) ->
if errors.Length > 0 then
Assert.Fail (sprintf "Compile had warnings and/or errors: %A" errors))

let CompileExeAndRun (source: string) =
compile true source (fun (errors, outputExe) ->

if errors.Length > 0 then
Assert.Fail (sprintf "Compile had warnings and/or errors: %A" errors)

let pInfo = ProcessStartInfo ()
pInfo.FileName <- config.DotNetExe
pInfo.Arguments <- outputExe
pInfo.FileName <- outputExe

pInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
pInfo.UseShellExecute <- false

let p = Process.Start(pInfo)

let errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd ()
if not (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace errors) then
Assert.Fail errors

let CompileLibraryAndVerifyIL (source: string) (f: ILVerifier -> unit) =
compile false source (fun (errors, outputFilePath) ->
if errors.Length > 0 then
Assert.Fail (sprintf "Compile had warnings and/or errors: %A" errors)

f (ILVerifier outputFilePath)

let RunScript (source: string) (expectedErrorMessages: string list) =
lock lockObj <| fun () ->
lock gate <| fun () ->
// Intialize output and input streams
use inStream = new StringReader("")
use outStream = new StringWriter()
Expand Down
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions tests/fsharp/Compiler/ILChecker.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

namespace FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests

open System
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics

open NUnit.Framework
open TestFramework

module ILChecker =

let config = initializeSuite ()

let private exec exe args =
let startInfo = ProcessStartInfo(exe, String.concat " " args)
startInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true
startInfo.UseShellExecute <- false
use p = Process.Start(startInfo)
p.StandardError.ReadToEnd(), p.ExitCode

/// Filters i.e ['The system type \'System.ReadOnlySpan`1\' was required but no referenced system DLL contained this type']
let private filterSpecialComment (text: string) =
let pattern = @"(\[\'(.*?)\'\])"
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(text, pattern,
(fun me -> String.Empty)

let private checkILAux ildasmArgs dllFilePath expectedIL =
let ilFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(dllFilePath, ".il")

let mutable errorMsgOpt = None
let ildasmPath = config.ILDASM

exec ildasmPath (ildasmArgs @ [ sprintf "%s /out=%s" dllFilePath ilFilePath ]) |> ignore

let text = File.ReadAllText(ilFilePath)
let blockComments = @"/\*(.*?)\*/"
let lineComments = @"//(.*?)\r?\n"
let strings = @"""((\\[^\n]|[^""\n])*)"""
let verbatimStrings = @"@(""[^""]*"")+"
let textNoComments =
blockComments + "|" + lineComments + "|" + strings + "|" + verbatimStrings,
(fun me ->
if (me.Value.StartsWith("/*") || me.Value.StartsWith("//")) then
if me.Value.StartsWith("//") then Environment.NewLine else String.Empty
me.Value), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Singleline)
|> filterSpecialComment

|> List.iter (fun (ilCode: string) ->
let expectedLines = ilCode.Split('\n')
let startIndex = textNoComments.IndexOf(expectedLines.[0])
if startIndex = -1 || textNoComments.Length < startIndex + ilCode.Length then
errorMsgOpt <- Some("==EXPECTED CONTAINS==\n" + ilCode + "\n")
let errors = ResizeArray()
let actualLines = textNoComments.Substring(startIndex, textNoComments.Length - startIndex).Split('\n')
for i = 0 to expectedLines.Length - 1 do
let expected = expectedLines.[i].Trim()
let actual = actualLines.[i].Trim()
if expected <> actual then
errors.Add(sprintf "\n==\nName: %s\n\nExpected:\t %s\nActual:\t\t %s\n==" actualLines.[0] expected actual)

if errors.Count > 0 then
let msg = String.concat "\n" errors + "\n\n\n==EXPECTED==\n" + ilCode + "\n"
errorMsgOpt <- Some(msg + "\n\n\n==ACTUAL==\n" + String.Join("\n", actualLines, 0, expectedLines.Length))

if expectedIL.Length = 0 then
errorMsgOpt <- Some ("No Expected IL")

match errorMsgOpt with
| Some(msg) -> errorMsgOpt <- Some(msg + "\n\n\n==ENTIRE ACTUAL==\n" + textNoComments)
| _ -> ()
try File.Delete(ilFilePath) with | _ -> ()

match errorMsgOpt with
| Some(errorMsg) ->
| _ -> ()

let checkILItem item dllFilePath expectedIL =
checkILAux [ sprintf "/item:%s" item ] dllFilePath expectedIL

let checkILItemWithLineNumbers item dllFilePath expectedIL =
checkILAux [ sprintf "/item:\"%s\"" item; "/linenum" ] dllFilePath expectedIL

let checkIL dllFilePath expectedIL =
checkILAux [] dllFilePath expectedIL
140 changes: 0 additions & 140 deletions tests/fsharp/Compiler/ILHelpers.fs

This file was deleted.
