Shady Compass is a tool to help ethical hackers cover enumeration steps. It looks for files in the current directory (and subdirectories) as tool output. Based on the findings it will recommend other tools or enumeration steps.
This is not an automated scanner. You are expected to review and adjust the recommended commands to fit your situation.
$ docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/output:/data --user ${UID}
shadycompass -
Press enter/return at the prompt to refresh data.
[*] Reading hosts from tests/fixtures/etchosts/hosts
[*] Reading nmap facts from tests/fixtures/nmap/all/open-ports.xml
[*] Reading hosts from /etc/hosts
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. gobuster dir -k -o gobuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt -u http://shadycompass.test:8080
[$] 3. wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-files.txt --hc 404 -f wfuzz-8080-shadycompass.test.json,json http://shadycompass.test:8080/FUZZ
[$] 4. dirb http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o dirb-8080-shadycompass.test.txt
[$] 5. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 6. gobuster dir -k -o gobuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt -u https://shadycompass.test:443
[$] 7. wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-files.txt --hc 404 -f wfuzz-443-shadycompass.test.json,json https://shadycompass.test:443/FUZZ
[$] 8. dirb https://shadycompass.test:443 -o dirb-443-shadycompass.test.txt
tests/fixtures shadycompass > use feroxbuster
[*] using feroxbuster for http_buster
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > info 2
# feroxbuster
## tool links
## methodology
## example command
feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > exit
Binaries are provided using pyinstaller
for a few systems as downloads in the release pages on GitHub. For example,
on Linux:
$ sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/shadycompass -L
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shadycompass
$ shadycompass /path/to/output
Running it from source gets the latest but requires python3 and installing some packages:
$ git clone
$ cd shadycompass
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 shadycompass /path/to/output
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/shadycompass
$ docker run --pull always -it --rm -v ${HOME}/.config/shadycompass:/config -v /path/to/output:/data --user ${UID}
Shady Compass outputs recommendations and then provides a prompt. It will detect changes and update recommendations after each command, or pressing enter without a command.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > help
show this text
exit, quit, x, q
quit, eh?
info n [ ... ]
show information on a recommendation, multiple numbers (separated by whitespace) accepted
save configuration changes to {get_local_config_path()} (local) and {get_global_config_path()} (global)
use [global] <tool> [--reset-options]
prefer a tool over others in the same category
option [global] <tool> args ...
add options to a tool
show configuration
set [global] [section.]option value
set a configuration, section defaults to 'general'
* don't forget to run 'save' to persist
unset [global] [section.]option
section defaults to 'general'
* don't forget to run 'save' to persist
reset/unset all configurations, including global
* don't forget to run 'save' to persist
displays the available tools
displays the targets that have been found
displays the services that have been found
displays the products that have been found
displays the urls that have been foundfacts
displays the users that have been found
displays the emails that have been found
reload from all files, only needed if recommendations aren't updated properly
Arguments: <n or name> [ ... ]
Displays detailed information about a recommended tool. Arguments are one or more numbers shown to the left of the recommendation, or a tool name. The numbers change as recommendations change!
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > info 2
# feroxbuster
## tool links
## methodology
## example command
feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > info feroxbuster
# feroxbuster
## tool links
## methodology
Arguments: none
Save configuration changes made by choosing tools, using commands such as set
, unset
, and use
. Each configuration may be
set at either the global or local level. Local is saved in the current directory and intended for things specific to the
targets. Global changes are in ~/.config/shadycompass/shadycompass.ini
where ~
is your home directory. If you are
using Docker, global changes are saved to /config/shadycompass.ini
. Local configurations are preferred over global.
Arguments: [global] <tool> [--reset-options]
Sets a tool as preferred for each category (vuln scanner, port scanner, etc.) in which it is registered. If the preferred tool cannot perform a recommended function, another tool may be recommended.
Specify the global
keyword to configure at the global level. All targets will prefer this tool unless another tool
is configured at the local level.
The --reset-options
will remove any custom options set for the tool, considering the global
keyword if specified.
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. gobuster dir -k -o gobuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt -u http://shadycompass.test:8080
[$] 3. wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-files.txt --hc 404 -f wfuzz-8080-shadycompass.test.json,json http://shadycompass.test:8080/FUZZ
[$] 4. dirb http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o dirb-8080-shadycompass.test.txt
[$] 5. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 6. gobuster dir -k -o gobuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt -u https://shadycompass.test:443
[$] 7. wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-files.txt --hc 404 -f wfuzz-443-shadycompass.test.json,json https://shadycompass.test:443/FUZZ
[$] 8. dirb https://shadycompass.test:443 -o dirb-443-shadycompass.test.txt
tests/fixtures shadycompass > use feroxbuster
[*] using feroxbuster for http_buster
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > use global feroxbuster
[*] using feroxbuster for http_buster
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
Arguments: [global] <tool> args ...
Add or replace options/arguments for a tool. Options are added to the list unless an existing option is present and
then it is replaced. Any values after one starting with -
will be considered values for the option and will
replace similar values. The global
keyword will set for all targets. Any local options will cause global options to
be ignored. Run use [global] <tool> --reset-options
to reset the options.
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 4 --insecure
tests/fixtures shadycompass > option feroxbuster --scan-limit 5
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
[$] 1. feroxbuster -u https://shadycompass.test:443 -o feroxbuster-443-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 5 --insecure
[$] 2. feroxbuster -u http://shadycompass.test:8080 -o feroxbuster-8080-shadycompass.test.txt --scan-limit 5 --insecure
Arguments: [global] [section.]option value
or no arguments
Set a configuration value. The global
keyword will set for all targets. A local configuration will override a global
one with the same [section.]option
. The section is optional is defaults to general
See the Configuration section below for available configurations.
shadycompass > set global ratelimit 5
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
shadycompass > set ratelimit 10
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
Running set
with no arguments will show the current configuration, local and global.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > set
port_scanner = nmap
http_buster = * # global
vuln_scanner = * # global
ratelimit = 5
Arguments: [global] [section.]option
Unset a configuration value. The global
keyword will set for all targets. The section is optional is defaults to
. See the Configuration section below.
shadycompass > unset global ratelimit
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
shadycompass > unset ratelimit
[!] configuration is only saved when you run the "save" command
Removes all configurations, global and local to the current target directory. You must call save
to persist.
Displays the available tools.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > tools
# port_scanner
- nmap
- rustscan
# vuln_scanner
- nuclei
# smb_scanner
- enum4linux-ng
# smtp_scanner
- nmap
- smtp-user-enum
# pop_scanner
- nmap
# imap_scanner
- nmap
# http_buster
- dirb
- feroxbuster
- gobuster
- wfuzz
Displays the targets that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > targets
- shadycompass.test
- webmail.shadycompass.test
- *.shadycompass.test
Displays the services that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > services
- 22/tcp ssh,
- 22/tcp ssh,
- 25/tcp smtp,,
- 53/tcp domain tcp ip,
- 80/tcp http,
- 88/tcp kerberos5 sec tcp,
- 110/tcp pop,
- 135/tcp microsoft rpc,
- 139/tcp netbios session,
- 143/tcp imap,
- 389/tcp ldap/ssl,
Displays the products that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > products
- cpe:2.3:a:hmailserver:imapd:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:hmailserver:imapd:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:hmailserver:pop3d:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:*:php:8.0.28:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:openbsd:openssl:1.1.1t:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:2.4.56:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Displays the CVEs that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > cve
- CVE-2022-99999
- CVE-2021-99999
Displays the URLs that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > urls
- https://shadycompass.test:443/index.php
- https://shadycompass.test:443/favicon.ico
- https://shadycompass.test:443/.
Displays the users that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > users
- root@
- bin@
- daemon@
- lp@
- adm@
- uucp@
- postmaster@
- nobody@
- ftp@
- root@
- bin@
- root@shadycompass.test
- bin@shadycompass.test
- "root@shadycompass.test"@
- "bin@shadycompass.test"@
- root@shadycompass.test
- user1@shadycompass.test
- user2@shadycompass.test
Displays the emails that have been found.
tests/fixtures shadycompass > emails
- root@shadycompass.test
- bin@shadycompass.test
Shadycompass is designed to update recommendations based on changes in files. Sometimes the logic isn't quite right.
Run the reload
command to reload all files.
Displays the things shadycompass knows about to make recommendations. This is used for debugging purposes.
The rate limit is expressed in requests per second. Tools that use other units will convert to be equivalent to requests per second.
Local setting of ratelimit will apply it to all targets. Global setting will only apply when that target is
considered a production target. See production
shadycompass> set ratelimit 5
shadycompass> unset ratelimit 5
shadycompass> set global ratelimit 8
shadycompass> unset global ratelimit 8
Mark the targets as production. Production targets are considered more sensitive. Tools will select safer options. The user is still expected to know your tools and your targets! Don't copy and paste without reviewing the commands.
Production targets will always use rate limiting, if configured.
shadycompass> set production true
shadycompass> set production false
shadycompass> set global production true
shadycompass> unset production
Some tools use word lists for brute forcing such as HTTP busting, sub domain enumeration, etc. The files can be
configured using the set
shadycompass> set global wordlists.subdomain /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt
shadycompass> set wordlists.file /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-files.txt
shadycompass> set wordlists.username /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/xato-net-10-million-usernames-dup.txt
shadycompass> set wordlists.password /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords-100000.txt