This repository contains a replacement for the Windows 11 photos slideshow (since the functionality is reduced from the Windows 10 version).
Version 0.1.0
- Dialog to choose folder with images
- Auto-sizes images to the window size
- Shuffles images into a random order
- Auto-advance set to 10 seconds (changeable in code)
- 'Space' to pause the auto-advance
- 'Enter' or 'Right Arrow' to manually advance
- 'Left Arrow' to go to previous
- "Esc" to exit
- Supports Logitech presentation remote ('Next' / 'PageUp')
Note: the feature set is minimal for what my immediate needs. Potential features are listed below.
Download the code.
In the "MainWindow.xaml.cs" file, you can modify the starting folder for your images:
var location = @"C:\Users\jerem\Pictures\Idle Album";
In addition, you can change the auto-advance setting by changing the "Interval" in the "MainWindow.xaml.cs" file:
Interval = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)
From the command line, type "dotnet run" to build and run the application.
- Configuration to set auto-advance interval
- Configuration to set starting folder location
- "Installation" to allow right-click in a folder with images to start the application
- UI to change the auto-advance interval
- UI to pause the auto-advance
- UI to manually advance / return to previous