Random Fruit is project management software for student projects. It supports earned value reporting.
It was developed in the spring semester of 2014 for the course CIS 4398 - Projects in Computer Science at Temple University in Philadelphia by Douglas Naphas (douglasnaphas@gmail.com), Alex Curtin (viperx120@gmail.com), Greg Aiello (gregoryaiello693@gmail.com), Jeff Ramspacher (jtr31993@gmail.com, jeffreyramspacher@temple.edu), and Dave Mayer (tuc05799@temple.edu).
- "Random Fruit User Manual v3.pdf" is the user manual. Use this as a starting point for using the system.
- "Test Procedures Random Fruit v3.pdf", "Test Report Random Fruit v1.pdf", "Design Doc Random Fruit v2.pdf", and "As-Build Requirements Random Fruit v2.pdf" are development-oriented documents. Use them if you want to contribute to Random Fruit.
- RandomFruit/app/ has most of the important application code.
As of 5/9/14, version 1 of Random Fruit is in production at babyhuey.cis.temple.edu/RandomFruit. If you are a student at Temple University, contact Professor Paul Wolfgang for access. If not, follow the instructions in the user manual to install and use or contribute to Random Fruit.