visit for more details about us.
You should give it a try.
This config is built primarily to work on top of the OSX version of MacVim
git clone git://
(This will symlink the necessary files to your home directory, asking for permission before clobbering anything.)vim
(This will clone and install all of the plugins from github.)
Customizations can be added to the folder .vim/custom_config/
- Any files with a
extension in that folder will be loaded when running all versions ofvim
. - Any files with a
extension in that folder will be loaded when running a graphical version ofvim
You can add custom plugins by registering them in a .vim
file in the custom_config folder with the same Bundle "plugin-repo-url"
syntax used in the .vim/common_config/plugin_config.vim
, and then performing steps 3 & 4 from the install steps above.
Common practice is to symlink a folder containing your custom configuration files as the .vim/custom_config
CMD + i
- exit out of insert modeU
- redo<leader>w
- turn on line wrapping<leader>W
- turn off line wrapping<leader>ss
- save all buffersY
- copy (yank) from the cursor to the end of the linevv
- select the lines which were just pasted<leader><spacebar>
- clear search highlightingctrl + p
- insert path of currently active buffer into command
- insert blank line below current without entering insert modegO
- insert blank line above current without entering insert mode<leader>I
- reindent the entire file<leader>c
- cleanup trailing whitespace in current buffer<leader>e
- compress excess whitespace on current line
- close all buffers other than the active one (within current tab) -
- go back to the previously active buffer -
- delete all buffers -
- match bracket pairs in normal and visual mode -
ctrl + w + j
- move one buffer down -
ctrl + w + k
- move one buffer up -
ctrl + w + h
- move one buffer left -
ctrl + w + l
- move one buffer right -
shift + up-arrow
- make horizontal split larger -
shift + down-arrow
- make horizontal split smaller -
shift + left-arrow
- make vertical split smaller -
shift + right-arrow
- make vertical split larger
ctrl + l
- insert a=>
surrounded by spaces
- jump to schema filegr
- jump to routes file
- insert some lorem ipsum textrdebug
- insert ruby specfic debugger statement
Provides convenient ways to quickly reach the buffer/file/command/bookmark/tag you want. FuzzyFinder searches with the fuzzy/partial pattern to which it converted an entered pattern.
- fuzzy find files<leader>b
- fuzzy find open buffers
Utility functions for working with lines, files, and elements.
- Move lines up through a file (works in normal or visual mode, and multiple lines)<C-Down>
- Move lines down through a file (works in normal or visual mode, and multiple lines)
Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin that runs buffers through external syntax checkers as they are saved and opened. If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they didn't have to compile their code or execute their script to find them.
Awesome visual representation of vim
undo tree.
- Toggle gundo
TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that contains uncommented lines, and it will remove comment markup for already commented text (i.e. text that contains no uncommented lines).
If the file-type is properly defined, TComment will figure out which comment string to use. Otherwise you use |TCommentDefineType()| to override the default choice.
TComment can properly handle an embedded syntax, e.g., ruby/python/perl regions in vim scripts, HTML or JavaScript in php code etc.
- Toggle comments (for small comments within one line the &filetype_inline style will be used, if defined)gcc
- Toggle comment for the current linegC{motion}
- Comment regiongCc
- Comment the current line
ShowMarks provides a visual representation of the location marks. Marks are useful for jumping back and forth between interesting points in a buffer, but can be hard to keep track of without any way to see where you have placed them. ShowMarks hopefully makes life easier by placing a sign in the leftmost column of the buffer. The sign indicates the label of the mark and its location. It can be toggled on and off and individual marks can be hidden(effectively removing them).
By default the following keymappings are defined:
- Toggles ShowMarks on and off.<leader>mh
- Hides an individual mark.<leader>ma
- Hides all marks in the current buffer.<leader>mm
- Places the next available mark.
ShowMarks requires that Vim is compiled with the +signs feature.
I'm not going to lie to you; fugitive.vim may very well be the best Git wrapper of all time. Check out these features:
View any blob, tree, commit, or tag in the repository with :Gedit
, :Gvsplit
, :Gtabedit
, ...). Edit a file in the index and
write to it to stage the changes. Use :Gdiff
to bring up the staged
version of the file side by side with the working tree version and use
Vim's diff handling capabilities to stage a subset of the file's
Bring up the output of git status
with :Gstatus
. Press -
a file's changes, or p
to add
mofo. And guess what :Gcommit
brings up an interactive vertical split with git blame
output. Press enter on a line to reblame the file as it stood in that
commit, or o
to open that commit in a split. When you're done, use
in the historic buffer to go back to the work tree version.
does a git mv
on a file and simultaneously renames the
buffer. :Gremove
does a git rm
on a file and simultaneously deletes
the buffer.
Use :Ggrep
to search the work tree (or any arbitrary commit) with
git grep
, skipping over that which is not tracked in the repository.
loads all previous revisions of a file into the quickfix list so
you can iterate over them and watch the file evolve!
is a variant of git checkout -- filename
that operates on the
buffer rather than the filename. This means you can use u
to undo it
and you never get any warnings about the file changing outside Vim.
writes to both the work tree and index versions of a file,
making it like git add
when called from a work tree file and like
git checkout
when called from the index or a blob in history.
Use :Gbrowse
to open the current file on GitHub, with optional line
range (try it in visual mode!). If your current repository isn't on
GitHub, git instaweb
will be spun up instead.
Add %{fugitive#statusline()}
to 'statusline'
to get an indicator
with the current branch in (surprise!) your statusline.
Oh, and of course there's :Git
for running any arbitrary command.
Makes it easy to run a focused set of ruby tests from within vim
- Run the test/spec your cursor is currently on
- Run the context your cursor is currently in
- Run the entire test/spec you are working in
- Streaming output to a new buffer
This plugin currently supports
- run all tests in the current buffer<leader>rc
- run all tests in the current context<leader>rf
- run current test<leader>rl
- re-run last test command
NERDTree is a file explorer plugin that provides "project drawer"
functionality to your vim projects. You can learn more about it with
:help NERDTree
Use <leader>t
to toggle NERDTree
Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern. You can learn more about it with :help Ack
Customizations: g/
to bring up :Ack
Lets you align statements on their equal signs, make comment boxes, align comments, align declarations, etc.
Tabular's commands are based largely on regular expressions. The basic technique used by Tabular is taking some regex to match field delimiters, splitting the input lines at those delimiters, trimming unnecessary spaces from the non-delimiter parts, padding the non-delimiter parts of the lines with spaces to make them the same length, and joining things back together again.
For instance, consider starting with the following lines:
Some short phrase,some other phrase
A much longer phrase here,and another long phrase
Let's say we want to line these lines up at the commas. We can tell Tabularize to do this by passing a pattern matching , to the Tabularize command:
:Tabularize /,
Some short phrase , some other phrase
A much longer phrase here , and another long phrase
The following tabular patterns have been added:
symbols / :/l0
hash /=>/
chunks / \S\+/l0
assignment / = /l0
comma /,\zs /l0
colon /:\zs /l0
options_hashes /:\w\+ =>/
Indent object creates a "text object" that is relative to the current
ident. Text objects work inside of visual mode, and with c
(delete) and y
(yank). For instance, try going into a method in
normal mode, and type v ii
. Then repeat ii
When textobj-rubyblock is installed you will gain two new text objects,
which are triggered by ar
and ir
respectively. These follow Vim convention,
so that ar
selects all of a ruby block, and ir
selects the inner portion
of a rubyblock.
In ruby, a block is always closed with the end keyword. Ruby blocks may be opened using one of several keywords, including module, class, def, if, and do.
Surround allows you to modify "surroundings" around the current text.
For instance, if the cursor was inside "foo bar"
, you could type
to convert the text to 'foo bar'
There's a lot more; check it out at :help surround
In insert mode, start typing something and hit <TAB>
to tab-complete
based on the current context.
Includes the TagList plugin, which binds :Tlist
to an overview
panel that lists all ctags for easy navigation.
Customizations: Binds <leader>rt
to the ctags command to
update tags. Bind <leader>.
to toggle the taglist window
Note: For full language support, run brew install ctags
to install
Tip: Check out :help ctags
for information about VIM's built-in
ctag support. Tag navigation creates a stack which can traversed via
(to find the source of a token) and Ctrl-T
(to jump back up
one level).
Improves vim
ability to jump back and forth between matching pairs of
opening and ending items with %
Nice gist integration by mattn.
Requires exporting your GITHUB_TOKEN
as environment
variables or setup your GitHub token config.
Try :Gist
, :Gist -p
and visual blocks.
When working with split windows, ZoomWin lets you zoom into a window and
out again using Ctrl-W o
Customizations: Binds <leader>z
to :ZoomWin
Markdown preview takes the current buffer, converts the Markdown to HTML, and opens it in your default browser.
Customizations: Binds <leader>mp
to this plugin.
Ships with a few additional syntaxes:
- Markdown (bound to *.markdown, *.md, and *.mk)
- Haml (bound to *.haml)
- Sass (bound to *.sass)
- SCSS (bound to *.scss)
- An improved JavaScript syntax (bound to *.js)
- Coffee Script
- Erlang
- Jade
Includes the vim color sampler pack, which includes over 100 popular color themes:
- jellybeans
- matrix
- railscasts2
- tango
- vibrantink
- vividchalk
- wombat
- xoria256
Use :color vibrantink
to switch to a color scheme.