Internet Connection Indicator for iOS applications. Shows you a warning when you're not connected to the internet/a certain server can't be reached. You can totally style this yourself. It looks great above TableViews, like in facebook. I will post screenshots of great implimentations soon. If you've made something cool with it, let me know.
This class uses Reachability by Tony Million.
#how to use inside your own project:
- Drag the Reachability and the SMBInternetConnectionIndicator to your project.
- to your project > build phases > link binary with libraries
- Click the plus. Then select SystemConfiguration.framework
- Select the ViewController you want to add the indicator to.
- paste this at the top of your file
#import "SMBInternetConnectionIndicator.h"
- Create an internetconnection property, paste this inbetween the @interface and @end parts:
@property () SMBInternetConnectionIndicator *internetConnectionIndicator;
- Now creat a rectamgle where you want to add the indicator in the viewDidLoad funciton:
//create frame for the indicator CGRect screenRect = CGRectMake(0, 10, 320, 30); self.internetConnectionIndicator = [[SMBInternetConnectionIndicator alloc] initWithFrame:screenRect]; [self.view addSubview:_internetConnectionIndicator];
- Run your application and turn on AirPlane Mode. You'll see the indicator!
If you want to make changes, the indicator works just like any other UIView.