by the stdlib project
This is a collection of Lua libraries for Lua 5.1 and 5.2. The libraries are copyright by their authors 2000-2013 (see the AUTHORS file for details), and released under the MIT license (the same license as Lua itself). There is no warranty.
Stdlib has no prerequisites beyond a standard Lua system.
The simplest way to install stdlib is with LuaRocks. To install the latest release (recommended):
luarocks install stdlib
To install current git master (for testing):
luarocks install
To install without LuaRocks, check out the sources from the
repository, and then run the following commands: the
dependencies are listed in the dependencies entry of the file
. You will also need autoconf and automake.
cd lua-stdlib
autoreconf --force --version --install
make all check install
See INSTALL for instructions for configure
As well as requiring individual libraries, you can load the standard set with
require "std"
Modules not in the standard set may be removed from future versions of stdlib.
The libraries are documented in LDoc. Pre-built HTML files are included.
These libraries are written and maintained by their users. Please make bug report and suggestions on GitHub (see URL at top of file). Pull requests are especially appreciated.