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Dawid Ciężarkiewicz edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 1 revision

rhex - How to Play


Empty spaces that you can step on are dots . Walls are drawn using #.

You character is a blue @ in the center of the map. All creatures face a given direction - indicated by a dot next to them.

Other creatures are drawn using alphabet letters, eg. r for rat, and are usually red.

The game utilizes LoS (light of sight), light and noise calculations. Notice how what is visible changes depending on the lights around.

Each level has stairs to descend to deeper level. Stairs are drawn using > character.

Notice In front: field in the side panel. It always describes what's in front of your character.

Basic movement

You can move or rotate using awsd + qe keys. Notice the different between moving and turning.

There's also alternative mode called Vi mode, utilizing hjkl. It's very handy, but require getting used to. You can switch input modes at any time using F2.

You can charge using c key. That moves you two tiles forward, helping reach enemies faster. However it costs Stamina Points.

Advanced movement

Pressing o will auto-travel, exploring the dungeon. You can interrupt it, pressing any key. It will stop, when something interesting was noticed.

Capital W or capital K (in Vi-mode) will autotravel forward.

You can use G to Go To action. Currently only going to closest reachable stairs is implemented. Press > after G to use it.

Walking into a door will open them.

Attacking and other actions

Walking into enemy will attack it. When wielding ranged weapon (like Bow) f can be used to target and attack enemies from afar.


Items can lay on the ground, or be carries by creatures. Killed creature drops all it's items.

You can pick up laying in front of you, on the ground, using ,. You can drop items from your inventory in drop-menu (capital D key).

You can use use, wear / put-on, remove items from your inventory in Enable-menu (capital E key).