The goal of this tiny lib is to offer a common interface to allow basic usage of multiple map providers.
The only thing that change will be the configuration you pass to the Map constructor. All your map interaction logic will stay the same regardless of the provider chosen.
The lib use the native provider configuration voluntarily to allow integrators to use directly the options and functionalities of each provider.
Include the script corresponding to the provider you want:
<script src="oneMapToRuleThemAll/dist/googleMap.js"></script>
Providers available:
- googleMap
- bingMap
- baidu
- mappy
- yandex
- viaMichelin
Each file can be included with its minified version by inserting the .min.js
Each provider expose the same set of methods, that will call the corresponding action using the provider native way.
Create a new Map instance.
Type: DOM Selector || Node
The DOM container where the map will be added or a selector to found it using document.querySelector
Type: String
Provider API Key that will be used to request the API.
Type: String
Specific locale to use when loading the Map.
Type: Object
Type: Object
List of external plugins to use. It depends on each provider (see provider plugins)
var map = new Map(document.querySelector('#map'), providerKey, {}, {
clusterer: true
Set the list of point you want to display on the map.
Type: Object || Array
All the points you want to display on the map. Each point must at least contain latitude and longitude properties.
latitude: 45.564601,
longitude: 5.917781,
id: 'uuid1' // you can add an id if you want to interact with the point later
data: {
// you can add custom data to interact with the point
Set the custom options to configure your map.
Type: Object
The options are separated into common groups for each provider, but the properties inside each group are the native ones of the provider. Here are the common options:
activeCluster: true || false, // set if the marker should be clustered or not
activeInfoWindow: true || false, // set if an info window will be displayed on active point
map: {
// Put here all the map configuration relative to the chosen provider
marker: {
// Put here all the marker configuration relative to the chosen provider
markerCluster: {
// Put here all the clusterer configuration relative to the chosen provider
infoWindow: {
// If not directly inside the marker properties, put here the template to render for the info window
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
mapTypeControl: true,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT
panControl: false,
zoom: 16,
zoomControl: true,
zoomControlOptions: {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT
scaleControl: false,
streetViewControl: true,
streetViewControlOptions: {
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT
marker: {
icon: {
url: './marker.png',
origin: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 32)
label: function(point) {
return '<div class="map-custom-label">' + + '</div>';
markerCluster: {
averageCenter: true,
styles: [{
url: './marker.png',
height: 34,
width: 28,
anchor: [0, 32]
infoWindow: {
content: function(data) {
return '<p>' + JSON.stringify(data) + '</p>';
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
disableBirdseye: true,
enableClickableLogo: false,
enableSearchLogo: false,
showCopyright: false,
showMapTypeSelector: false,
showScalebar: false
marker: {
icon: './marker.png',
anchor:new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 32),
height: 34,
width: 28,
text: function(point) {
markerCluster: {
icon: './marker.png',
anchor:new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 32),
height: 34,
width: 28
infoWindow: {
description: function(data) {
return '<p>' + JSON.stringify(data) + '</p>';
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
enableScrollWheelZoom: true
marker: {
icon: new BMap.Icon('./marker.png', new BMap.Size(28, 34)),
offset: new BMap.Size(14, -20)
markerLabel: {
content: function(point) {
options: {
offset: new BMap.Size(5, 5)
style: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
border: 'none'
markerCluster: {
style: {
url: './marker.png',
size: new BMap.Size(28, 34),
opt_anchor: [14, -20]
infoWindow: {
offset: new BMap.Size(14, -34),
message: function(data) {
return '<p>' + JSON.stringify(data) + '</p>';
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
clientId: mappyKey,
layersControl: false,
zoom: 7
marker: {
icon: L.icon({
iconUrl: './marker.png'
markerCluster: {
iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
return L.divIcon({ html: '<b>' + cluster.getChildCount() + '</b>' });
infoWindow: {
content: function(data) {
return bigDOM(data);
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 10
marker: {
options: {
iconLayout: 'default#imageWithContent',
iconImageHref: './marker.png',
iconImageOffset: [0, -32],
iconImageSize: [28, 34],
openEmptyBalloon: true,
hideIconOnBalloonOpen: false,
balloonOffset: [16, -32]
properties: {
iconContent: function(point) {
balloonContent: function(data) {
return '<p>' + JSON.stringify(data) + '</p>';
markerCluster: {
hasBalloon: false,
clusterIconLayout: 'default#imageWithContent',
clusterIconImageHref: './marker.png',
clusterIconImageOffset: [0, -32],
clusterIconImageSize: [28, 34]
activeCluster: true,
activeInfoWindow: true,
map: {
center: {coords: {lon: 5.922, lat: 45.566}},
zoom: 16,
mapTypeControl: true,
situationMapControl: true
marker: {
icon: {
url: './marker.png',
offset: {
x: 0,
y: -32
htm: function(data) {
return '<p>' + JSON.stringify(data) + '</p>';
overlayText: {
text: function(point) {
return '<div>' + + '</div>';
markerCluster: {
styles: [{
url: './marker.png',
height: 34,
width: 28
Display the map with all the given points and bind the configured events.
Currently, each point click event is bind to the toggling of the info window.
Each provider scripts are loaded asynchronously when needed. So before rendering the map, you'll have to call the load method to fetch all the needed resources.
In the load callback, you'll get access to the provider object (ex: google.maps
), so you will have to set your options at this moment if you use some of this (ex: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT
Type: Function
Function to call when all the provider resources are loaded
Type: Boolean
If set to true, a loader will be added to the map container during the loading of all the resources.
The loader style can be customized by overriding the one-map-to-rule-them-all__spinner
Type: Boolean
As many provider use external scripts to manage the clustering, we load them only if they are required.
Set this to true to load the clusterer resources.
var map = new Map('#map', key);
map.load(function() {
}, true, true);
Trigger a click on the point with the given id (if your point have a id property).
Type: String || Number
Id of the marker to trigger the click event on.
Get the direction to go between two points, it can return the provider raw data or the provider formatted road map.
Type: String
Starting address.
Type: String
Arriving address.
Type: Object
Customize the direction request and result.
panelSelector: ... // Set the id of a DOM Element here if you want the native formatted road map to be displayed
region: ... // Set this if you want a more specific direction search request
Type: Function
Function to call when the request is completed. Will receive all the raw data from the provider as argument.
Type: Function
Function to call when the request failed.
var map = new Map('#directionsMap', key);
map.load(function() {
map.getDirections('Paris', 'Lyon', {
panelSelector: '#directions'
region: 'fr'
}, function(res) {
// res contain all the direction data from the provider
}, true, false);
Google Map | Bing Map | Baidu | Mappy | Yandex | ViaMichelin | |
Chrome | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Firefox | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | ? |
Opera | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | OK |
Safari | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | ? |
IE11 | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | ? |
IE10 | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | ? |
IE9 | OK | OK | OK | ? | OK | ? |
IE8* | OK | KO | OK | ? | OK | ? |
- need to include es5-shim && es5-sham
clusterer: API Baidu (TextIconOverlay && MarkerClusterer)