DPNotify used to send short notifications on screen simple & quickly for iOS developing using Swift.
- block syntax.
- delay timer.
- 5 notify styles available (Default, Danger, Warning, Success, Disabled).
- customize font & color.
- tap to dismiss message.
- request more? please contact me (my email below)
Just add file named DPNotify.swift to your project.
- Show notify in self.view:
DPNotify.sharedNotify.showNotifyInView(view, title: "Awesome :P", dismissOnTap: true, notifyType: .DEFAULT)
- Completion handler:
title: items[indexPath.row],
dismissOnTap: true,
notifyType: .DANGER,
delay: 0,
completionHandler: { () -> Void in
var alert = UIAlertView(
title: "Completed!",
message: "Notify showed!",
delegate: nil,
cancelButtonTitle: "Hit ;-)")
- Dismiss message:
DPNotify.sharedNotify.dismissNotify({ () -> Void in
var alert = UIAlertView(title: "Completed!", message: "Notify dismissed!", delegate: nil, cancelButtonTitle: "はい!")
- Custom style:
DPNotify.sharedNotify.bannerForegroundColor = DPNotify.sharedNotify.color(0x607D8B, alpha: 1)
DPNotify.sharedNotify.bannerBackgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.8, alpha: 0.8)
DPNotify.sharedNotify.notifyTitleFont = UIFont(name: "Avenir", size: 17.0)
DPNotify.sharedNotify.showNotifyInView(view, title: "Hello, Dino Phan :D", dismissOnTap: true)
Homepage: https://www.dphans.me - Email: baophan94@icloud.com.