Tool to help test application performance when third-party APIs slow down.
go get
./sleepy-reverse-proxy -h
Usage of ./sleepy-reverse-proxy:
-p string
Port this application will run on
-s duration
Duration to sleep for (ex: 50us, 1000ms, 1s, 1h)
-u string
Proxy URL
./sleepy-reverse-proxy -p 8090 -s 1000ms -u http://the-api-you-want-to-hit:8080
Sleep duration supports any format defined by Go's time.ParseDuration
The following environment variables can be set in favor of using the flags above
export PORT=8090
export SLEEP_DURATION=1000ms
export PROXY_URL=http://the-api-you-want-to-hit:8080
Sleep duration supports any format defined by Go's time.ParseDuration