This is going to be a gadget-shopping website clone with custom modifications and changes in layouts. Liquid Motions take the User-Experience one step further. The website is linked to a database and can store quite some amount of data like:
- The Login/Register details of the users, which can be used to retreive data anytime,
- The items added to cart by individual users,
- Address Book to manage office and home addresses along with the time of day when they can be contacted.
- Django 3.0 for Request-Handling
- HTML/CSS/Javascript for User-Interaction
- Python
- Django must be installed in your machine. You can also create a virtual environment for development purposes. (not compulsory).
- Clone the repository to your specific target folder
- Open Terminal/Command Prompt in the root folder
- run the following 3 commands in the specific order:
- python3 makemigrations
- python3 migrate
- python3 runserver
This should open up this website at your localhost:8000 , or whatever port you've configured your machine to be targeted at.