Subscribable function
> npm install recall-action
import createAction from 'recall-action'
// create action
const action = createAction((value1, value2) => {
return value1 + value2
// any function passed to action as a first argument becomes a listener, returns object with done method to cancel subscription
const listener1 = action((receivedValue) => {
console.log(`listener1 logs ${receivedValue}`)
// any action call with typeof !== 'fucntion' first argument will recall every listener with returned value passed as a first argument
//> listener1 logs 5
const listener2 = action((receivedValue) => {
console.log(`listener2 logs ${receivedValue}`)
action('java', 'script')
//> listener1 logs javascript
//> listener2 logs javascript
// call done method to remove listener from action
//> listener2 logs