This is simple video game library tracker exploring the use of patio, Node, and Angular
Click on the list item to view more details on a game item. Click the plus to add a new game item. Click the pencil to edit the currently displayed item. Click the cross to delete the current item.
Tested with macOS 10.13.3
- Patio v1.3.0
- Angular v5.2.2
- Node.js v5.6.0 for Patio, v9.5.0 for Angular (using NVM)
From the project directory, run the following shell commands:
- To setup the database and user:
node setup.js
- To set up the tables:
patio migrate -v --camelize -u "pg://test@" -d ./migration
- To fill tables:
node populate.js
- To start API server:
node api.js
- To start Angular server (in another process):
ng serve --open
A website should open in your browser, if not, navigate to http://localhost:4200