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Patryk Obara edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 12 revisions

Descent 2

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Note: As of boxtron 0.4.2, Fallout support was implemented; leaving discussion below for additional info.

  1. Install game normally.

  2. Obtain FALLOUT.EXE from either the DOS version, official 1.1 DOS patch or unofficial 1.2 Fixd.

    Neither of these patches can be bundled with boxtron, but we can download either one automatically and unpack during pre-run phase (emulate iscriptevaluator.exe). Progress on this task is tracked in: #17 -- dreamer_

  3. Obtain a DOS Extender, originally shipped with DOS4GW 1.97, but DOS32A 9.12 works as well, make sure the name is DOS4GW.EXE.

    • DOS32A is using permissive license, so we can bundle it with boxtron (TODO: double check) -- dreamer_
    • Not sure if we should bundle binary file (and probably use git-lfs for that) or try to cross-compile ourselves - to be investigated -- dreamer_
  4. Obtain HMIDET.386 and HMIDRV.386. Originally shipped with the game, but could also be found in SETUP40.ZIP at Human Machine Interactive website or mirrored here (without them, sound will probably not work).

    • Maybe Lutris already distributes it? I have legal access to those files through Fallout 1 on CD-Action CD -- dreamer_
    • There might be multiple versions of those files floating around - i was wondering what these files actually are, so:
      • HMIDET.i386 - provides detection of various sound solutions popular in early 90s, developed by company called "Human Machine Interfaces". Great company name, but so generic that I can't find anything about them. Probably can be easily replaced by as stub.
      • HMIDRV.i386 - accompanying set of drivers, seems like up to several hundred bytes per driver. It's entirely possible they were already reimplemented by someone -- dreamer_
  5. Either use SOUND.EXE if you have a DOS copy to configure sound device, or manually edit fallout.cfg to include device=57344, dma=1 and irq=7 (other values might work as well, feel free to experiment). Then set art_cache_size=5, else the game will crash.

    I will implement setting these values in cfg file automatically, but outside of master until we'll have fully working solution -- dreamer_

  6. Finally launch the game with the following command line parameter SDOS_RUN_EXE=FALLOUT.EXE %command%.

    I will implement a tweak for Fallout to make this automatic, but outside of master until we'll have fully working solution -- dreamer_


Steam version comes without music ISO bundled. According to PCGW, it's possible to restore music functionality (maybe it's already bundled in pak files)? -- dreamer_

Some info on restoring music on vkQuake project:

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