Development is now occurring in seperated backend and frontend repositories at
Collaborative real-time playlist creation and sharing application based on node.js, Backbone.js and web standards.
This will be the public repo of this project - if you want to use the application, you'll have to supply your own Soundcloud and Bandcamp API keys.
See it in action at
git clone
npm install
npm start
Use AMD and/or require.js and/or browserify to properly modularize the front-end code. Currently, the different Backbone bits - models, views and collections - are loaded in the correct sequence, while the app.js currently just contains the event handling between views, bootstrapping, and the router definition.
There's still more cleanup to be done - this was written first to be functional.
node.js backend (based on Express 3.x)
LevelDB (key-value store, scalable to amazon's DynamoDB) (backwards-compatible WebSocket implementation for real-time collaboration)
Backbone.js frontend
Soundmanager2 HTML5+Flash backwards compatible audio solution
Standards-compliant CSS and JS and such (bear with me, this is my first attempt at frontend)