This theme for IntelliJ is based on the the Afterglow Sublime Text theme, and replaces the default sidebar icons and colour of IntelliJ. It should be compatible with all IntelliJ IDEs and has been tested with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, CLion, AppCode, WebStorm, PyCharm and RubyMine. The plugin can be downloaded at the JetBrains plugin repository
This theme looks best with the Afterglow Color Scheme by boneskull, which implements the Afterglow Sublime Text color scheme.
Pictures, thousand words etc. Note that Afterglow IntelliJ comes with the original themes found in the Sublime Text plugin, but the screenshot only shows four. The themes are: Default (White), Blue, Magenta, Orange and Green and the theme can be switched via the IntelliJ settings dialogue.
The code is available under the MIT license, the icons are copyright by Yabata Design