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Containerized runtime for the Descriptor Track of the Meta Video Similarity Competition

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If you haven't already done so, start by reading the Code Submission Format page on the competition website.

Meta AI Video Similarity Challenge: Descriptor Track Code Execution Runtime

Meta AI Video Similarity Challenge Python 3.9.13 Build and publish image

Welcome to the runtime repository for the Meta AI Video Similarity Challenge!

As mentioned in the Problem Description and Code Submission Format pages, this competition is a hybrid code execution competition. This means that you will submit both the full set of query and reference descriptors that you generate for videos in the test set as well as the code that generates those descriptors. This repository contains the definition of the environment where your code submissions will run on a subset of videos in the query set to ensure that your submission meets the given resource constraints. It specifies both the operating system and the software packages that will be available to your solution.

This repository has three primary uses for competitors:

  1. 💡 Quickstart example: A minimal code example that runs successfully in the runtime environment and outputs a properly formatted submission tarfile. This will generate random descriptors, so unfortunately you won't win the competition with this example, but you can use it as a guide for bringing in your own work and generating a real submission.
  2. 🔧 Test your submission: Test your submission with a locally running version of the container to discover errors before submitting to the competition site.
  3. 📦 Request new packages in the official runtime: Since the Docker container will not have network access, all packages must be pre-installed. If you want to use a package that is not in the runtime environment, make a pull request to this repository.

This repository is a companion repository to the vsc2022 codebase, which provides a benchmark solution to both tracks of this challenge. The vsc2022 codebase is included as a submodule of this repository, and you can check it out fully by running make update-submodules as explained further below.


The quickstart example allows you to generate valid (but random) descriptors for the full set of query and reference videos, as well as an example script for generating descriptors for the test subset.

This section guides you through the steps to generate a simple but valid submission for the competition.


First, make sure you have the prerequisites installed.

  • A clone or fork of this repository
  • At least 12 GB of free space for the Docker container images, and an additional 79GB of free space for storing the videos from the training set you'll use as your local test set (163GB if you download the entire dataset including the test set).
  • Docker
  • GNU make (optional, but useful for running commands in the Makefile)
  • A python environment with requirements.txt installed

Download the data

Download the competition data into the competition_data folder by following the instructions on the data download page. Once everything is downloaded and in the right location, it should look like this:

competition_data/                          # Competition data directory
├── train/                                 # Directory containing the training set
│   ├── train_query_metadata.csv           # Training set metadata file
│   ├── train_reference_metadata.csv       # Training set metadata file
│   ├── train_descriptor_ground_truth.csv  # Training set ground truth file
│   ├── train_matching_ground_truth.csv    # Training set ground truth file
│   ├── query/                             # Directory containing the test set query videos
│   │   ├── Q100001.mp4
│   │   ├── Q100002.mp4
│   │   ├── Q100003.mp4
│   │   └── ...
│   └── reference/                         # Directory containing the test set reference videos
│       ├── R100000.mp4
│       ├── R100001.mp4
│       ├── R100002.mp4
│       └── ...
└── test/                                  # Directory containing the test set
    ├── test_query_metadata.csv            # Test set query metadata file
    ├── test_reference_metadata.csv        # Test set reference metadata file
    ├── query/                             # Directory containing the test set query videos
    │   ├── Q200001.mp4
    │   ├── Q200002.mp4
    │   ├── Q200003.mp4
    │   └── ...
    └── reference/                         # Directory containing the test set reference videos
        ├── R200000.mp4
        ├── R200001.mp4
        ├── R200002.mp4
        └── ...

If you are competing in both tracks of the competition, you can symlink competition_data to a single folder where you have all the competition data stored to avoid having two copies of the 162GB dataset.

Run Make commands

To test out the full execution pipeline, make sure Docker is running and then run the following commands in the terminal:

  1. make pull pulls the latest official Docker image from the container registry (Azure). You'll need an internet connection for this.
  2. make data-subset generates and copies a subset of the competition_data/test dataset into the data/test folder in the format it will exist in the code execution environment. By default, this will copy over 1% of the query videos, but you can modify the proportion of videos copied by editing the Makefile variable SUBSET_PROPORTION or by providing a value when you issue the command, e.g., make SUBSET_PROPORTION=0.1 data-subset. When your code runs in the competition's code execution environment, it will generate descriptors for approximately 10% of the test set query videos.
  3. make pack-quickstart generates valid, random descriptors for the full query and reference sets, and then zips the contents of the submission_quickstart directory (including the script which generates random descriptors within the code execution environment) and saves it as submission/ The file will contain both the .npz and files, and is what you will upload to the DrivenData competition site for code execution. But first we'll test that everything looks good locally (see next step).
  4. make test-submission will do a test run of your submission, simulating what happens during actual code execution. This command runs the Docker container with the requisite host directories mounted, and executes to produce a tar file with your rankings for the full set and subset.
make pull
make data-subset
make pack-quickstart
make test-submission

🎉 Congratulations! You've just completed your first test run for the Video Similarity Challenge Descriptor Track. If everything worked as expected, you should see a new file submission/submission.tar.gz has been generated. If you unpack this file, you should see a full_rankings.csv and a subset_rankings.csv csv file, each of which contains scored query-ref pairs that predict the video pairs most likely to have a derived content relationship based on your submitted descriptors. These rankings are generated from the descriptor evaluation code in Meta AI's vsc2022 repository, also included as a submodule in this repository.

If you were ready to make a real submission to the competition, you would upload the file from step 2 above to the competition Submissions page. The submission.tar.gz that is written out during code execution will get unpacked on our platform and each set of rankings will be scored automatically using the competition scoring metric to determine your rank on the leaderboard.

Developing your own submission

Now that you've gone through the quickstart example, let's talk about how to develop your own solution for the competition.


This section provides instructions on how to develop and run your code submission locally using the Docker container. To make things simpler, key processes are already defined in the Makefile. Commands from the Makefile are then run with make {command_name}. The basic steps are:

make pull
make pack-submission
make data-subset
make test-submission

Let's walk through what you'll need to do, step-by-step. The overall process here is very similar to what we've already covered in the Quickstart, but we'll go into more depth this time around.

  1. Set up the prerequisites, including downloading the data.

  2. Download the official competition Docker image, if you haven't already:

    $ make pull
  3. ⚙️ Develop your model.

    Keep in mind that the runtime already contains a number of packages that might be useful for you (cpu and gpu versions). If there are other packages you'd like added, see the section below on updating runtime packages.

  4. Save your .npz descriptor files for test set query and reference videos and your script in the submission_src folder of the runtime repository.

    • Working off the template we've provided, you'll want to add code as necessary to process the queries, cache intermediate results as necessary, and write out your descriptors.
    • Make sure any model weights or other files you need are also saved in submission_src (you can include these in that folder or in a subfolder, e.g., submission_src/model_assets)
    • Your query descriptors should be in a file named query_descriptors.npz and your reference descriptors in a file named reference_descriptors.npz.

Note: You may generate submissions that only contain your descriptors, and not a script. In this case, the platform will run a similarity search based on your descriptors and score the generated rankings so you can see how your solution performs on the test set without having to get inference running in the runtime. However, these submissions will not be eligible for Phase 2 or prizes and they will also count against the weekly submission limit.

  1. Create a submission/ file containing your code and model assets:

    $ make pack-submission
    cd submission_src; zip -r ../submission/ ./*
      adding: (deflated 50%)
  2. Generate a runtime data subset with make data-subset.

    Similar to make data-subset we used when making the quickstart solution, this command will copy a subset of the test set query videos into the data/test/ folder in the same structure that will exist in the code execution environment. You can change the proportion of subset videos by editing the Makefile variable SUBSET_PROPORTION or by specifying a value when you issue the command, e.g., make SUBSET_PROPORTION=0.1 data-subset.

  3. Test your submission with make test-submission

    This command launches an instance of the competition Docker image, simulating the same process that will take place in the official code execution runtime.** The requisite host directories will be mounted on the Docker container, submission/ will be unzipped into the root directory of the container, and will be executed to produce your subset rankings.

    $ make test-submission

⚠️ Remember in the official code execution environment, /data will contain just the subset of test set query videos along with the full metadata CSV files for the test query and reference sets. When testing locally, the /data directory is a mounted version of whatever you have saved locally in this project's data/test or data/train directories. make data-subset adds the appropriate metadata files and video files to the local data/*/ directory - make sure the data subset you are mounting to the container corresponds to the full set of descriptors you are packing in your submission.


When you run make test-submission the logs will be printed to the terminal and written out to submission/log.txt. If you run into errors, use the log.txt to determine what changes you need to make for your code to execute successfully. Note that the log messages generated by tqdm on a submission to the platform will not by default log until all the iterations have completed.

Getting Started: the vsc2022 repository

As part of this competition, our partners at Meta AI have made a benchmark solution available in the vsc2022 repository. You are encouraged to use this benchmark solution as a starting point for your own solution if you so choose.

A working benchmark solution

In addition to creating a quickstart solution, it may be instructive to use the provided benchmark code to generate an initial local submission. To do so, you would follow the instructions above as well as the instructions in the vsc2022 documentation for installation and running the baseline.

Your workflow might look something like this:

  • Cloning and recursively updating submodules for the vsc2022 repo into submission_src
  • Downloading and transforming the sscd model into submission_src/model_assets/
  • Running inference on the test query and reference datasets to generate descriptors
  • Adapting to run infererence on the runtime data subset
    • Note: Within the code execution runtime, the conda environment is accessible to commands run via subprocess by including the prefix conda run --no-capture-output -n condaenv [command], so your might include a subprocess call to something that looks like:
    conda run --no-capture-output -n condaenv python -m vsc.baseline.inference
        --torchscript_path "/code_execution/vsc2022/vsc/baseline/"
        --accelerator=cuda --processes="1"
        --dataset_path "{QUERY_SUBSET_VIDEOS_FOLDER}"
        --output_file "{OUTPUT_FILE}"
  • Adapting or extending the repo to improve the quality of your descriptors!

Additional information

Scoring your submission

For convenience and consistency, the vsc2022 repository, including the scoring scripts for both the descriptor track and the matching track, is included as a submodule of this runtime. The descriptor evaluation similarity search is also conducted by the code in this library. After cloning this repository, run make update-submodules to download the contents of vsc2022 into the specified folder.

You will need to use the training set if you want to score your submission, since ground truth is only provided to you for the training set. While the make commands in this repository default to using the test set, you can also use the training set by setting the variable DATASET=train. For example, running make data-subset DATASET=train to generate prepare the necessary data for data/train, and make test-submission DATASET=train to have the container mount the data from data/train.

After running the container, unpack the submission.tar.gz generated by your solution obtain the rankings files to provide to vsc2022/ along with the training set ground truth to obtain your score.

Note: When evaluating your generated subset submission on the training set, you should provide only the subset of the ground truth entries that contains the query videos in the subset.

Submitting without code

As mentioned in Developing your own submission, you may if you wish create submissions that only contain your descriptors and not a script. In this case, the platform will run a similarity search based on your descriptors and score the generated rankings so you can see how your solution performs on the test set without having to get inference running in the runtime. However, these submissions will not be eligible for Phase 2 or prizes and they will also count against the weekly submission limit.

Runtime network access

In the real competition runtime, all internet access is blocked. The local test runtime does not impose the same network restrictions. It's up to you to make sure that your code does not make requests to any web resources.

You can test your submission without internet access by running BLOCK_INTERNET=true make test-submission.

Downloading pre-trained weights

It is common for models to download pre-trained weights from the internet. Since submissions do not have open access to the internet, you will need to include all weights along with your and make sure that your code loads them from disk and rather than the internet.


For local testing, the make commands will try to select the CPU or GPU image automatically by setting the CPU_OR_GPU variable based on whether make detects nvidia-smi.

You can explicitly set the CPU_OR_GPU variable by prefixing the command with:

CPU_OR_GPU=cpu <command>

If you have nvidia-smi and a CUDA version other than 11, you will need to explicitly set make test-submission to run on CPU rather than GPU. make will automatically select the GPU image because you have access to GPU, but it will fail because make test-submission requires CUDA version 11.

CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make pull
CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make test-submission

If you want to try using the GPU image on your machine but you don't have a GPU device that can be recognized, you can use SKIP_GPU=true. This will invoke docker without the --gpus all argument.

Updating runtime packages

If you want to use a package that is not in the environment, you are welcome to make a pull request to this repository. If you're new to the GitHub contribution workflow, check out this guide by GitHub. The runtime manages dependencies using conda environments. Here is a good general guide to conda environments. The official runtime uses Python 3.9.13 environments.

To submit a pull request for a new package:

  1. Fork this repository, and in your fork ensure you have the submodules checked out and updated by running make update-submodules. Having the vsc2022 repository fully checked out as a submodule is necessary for the build process to complete successfully.

  2. Edit the conda environment YAML files, runtime/environment-cpu.yml and runtime/environment-gpu.yml. There are two ways to add a requirement:

    • Add an entry to the dependencies section. This installs from a conda channel using conda install. Conda performs robust dependency resolution with other packages in the dependencies section, so we can avoid package version conflicts.
    • Add an entry to the pip section. This installs from PyPI using pip, and is an option for packages that are not available in a conda channel.

    For both methods be sure to include a version, e.g., numpy==1.20.3. This ensures that all environments will be the same.

  3. Locally test that the Docker image builds and tests successfully for CPU and GPU images:

    CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make build
    CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make test-container
    CPU_OR_GPU=gpu make build
    CPU_OR_GPU=gpu make test-container # Ensure this command is run on a machine with `nvidia-smi`
  4. Commit the changes to your forked repository.

  5. Open a pull request from your branch to the main branch of this repository. Navigate to the Pull requests tab in this repository, and click the "New pull request" button. For more detailed instructions, check out GitHub's help page.

  6. Once you open the pull request, Github Actions will automatically try building the Docker images with your changes and running the tests in runtime/tests. These tests can take up to 30 minutes, and may take longer if your build is queued behind others. You will see a section on the pull request page that shows the status of the tests and links to the logs.

  7. You may be asked to submit revisions to your pull request if the tests fail or if a DrivenData team member has feedback. Pull requests won't be merged until all tests pass and the team has reviewed and approved the changes.

Make commands

Running make at the terminal will tell you all the commands available in the repository:

❯ make

Settings based on your machine:
SUBMISSION_IMAGE=f5f61cef3987   # ID of the image that will be used when running test-submission

Available competition images:
meta-vsc-descriptor-runtime:cpu-local (f5f61cef3987); meta-vsc-descriptor-runtime:gpu-local (f314bbf3beed);

Available commands:

build               Builds the container locally
clean               Delete temporary Python cache and bytecode files
data-subset         Adds video metadata and a subset of query videos to `data`. Defaults to test set. Can use train set with DATASET=train.
interact-container  Start your locally built container and open a bash shell within the running container; same as submission setup except has network access
pack-quickstart     Creates a submission/ file from the source code in submission_quickstart
pack-submission     Creates a submission/ file from the source code in submission_src
pull                Pulls the official container from Azure Container Registry
test-container      Ensures that your locally built container can import all the Python packages successfully when it runs
test-submission     Runs container using code from `submission/` and data from `data/test`. Can use `data/train` with DATASET=train.
update-submodules   Fetch or update all submodules (vsc2022 and VCSL)

Good luck! And have fun!

Thanks for reading! Enjoy the competition, and hit up the forums if you have any questions!


Containerized runtime for the Descriptor Track of the Meta Video Similarity Competition






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