To ensure interoperability between XRP (Ledger) applications, tools, platforms, pursuing a great user experience, it would be best if the community (developers, users) agree on certain implementations.
All drafts start as DISCUSSIONS.
Drafts (discussions) are considered work in progress, and are up for discussion (please discuss, ask, suggest, add, ...). Once settled on the standard, the discussion will be converted to an ISSUE, to be referred to in a PULL REQUEST adding the standard to the CODE (commit). Now the issue can be resolved.
When a standard moves to a folder + file(s) in the Code section of this repository, it will be added to the standards.toml
Standards must be numbered and referenced in the following format: XLS-# where # is a natural number (without left padded zeros), called the Standard Number.
If a standard requires revision a separator '.' may be added. E.g. XLS-1.1
A standard which has not yet been adopted may 'hold' a Standard Number but must be referred to with a d suffix until it becomes a full standard. For example XLS-10d or XLS-1.2d