Dank Domain is basically a bulletin board built around a medieval role-playing atmosphere (or is it the other way around?). Instead, you live the online game as you kill, steal, brawl, and joust the other members to gain levels and fortune. The success of this game is dependent upon the users that play it. Your involvment will not only provide you with entertainment, but also shares your activity with the other players.
Read, then play on https://www.DDgame.us
Original Amiga Hack & Slash enthusiasts can visit: Absinthe BBS by Anachronist
Download packs: images 📷 and sounds 🔉
To run a local game copy (Linux only):
$ npm install dankdomain
$ ./install.sh
$ npm start
You can also play www.DDgame.us from the command-line:
$ npm test
$ npm run mame
$ telnet play.ddgame.us
File directory structure:
[rhurst@atom dankdomain]$ pwd
.vscode Visual Studio Code: settings & debug profiles
etc/ game app & system support files
files/ game & player support files: ANSI and/or text formats
../arena ASCII art files
../dungeon ASCII art files
../naval ASCII art files
../player ASCII art files
../tavern all player events logged for the day
../user each player’s events logged since last visit
items/ game artifacts
users/ player data files
package.json Node.js manifest
node_modules/ Node.js support libraries
console/ MAME support files
door/ web services & client for browser
../static web browser client content
../images visual media for artifacts, creatures, and players
../sounds audio media for event notifications
tty/ game modules for each main menu item
battle.js support module for player engagements
common.js global support module for game
email.js support module for dispatching email notifications
items.js support module for loading artifacts
telnet.js telnet client - via web services
ttymain.js game app - startup entry point
door-startup.sh web services - systemctl startup script
logins.sh player - startup script into game app
mame.sh player - MAME VT240 terminal + solcat startup script
tty.sh player - startup script into web services
NOTE: in users
folder, you can edit any hidden (dot) trace file and save as save.json
for auto-update into the dankdomain.sql Players
🇺🇸 ©️1991 - 2020 Robert Hurst