Send details to alertmanager when OOM event occurs
"labels": {
"memcg": "host",
"process": "java",
"hostname": "wiki2",
"instance": "",
"severity": "warning",
"alertname": "SysOOM",
"process_rss": "165564kB",
"process_list": "systemd-logind getty systemd-network systemd systemd-udevd java rsyslogd"
Start sysOOM, replace with your own alertmanager ip
docker run -p 5149:5149/udp --add-host alertmanager: -d --restart=always --name sysoom druggo/sysoom
Forward kernel log to sysOOM, replace with sysOOM container's host ip and reload rsyslog
echo ':syslogtag, startswith, "kernel" @' > /etc/rsyslog.d/41-kernel.conf
Test OOM
systemd-run --user --scope -p MemoryMax=1K vi /var/log/syslog
Ensure the syslog hostname matches the node-exporter hostname label
Add inhibit_rules to alertmanager.yml so that NodeOOM alert will supressed when SysOOM is fired
- "equal": - "hostname" - "severity" "source_matchers": - "alertname = SysOOM" "target_matchers": - "alertname = NodeOOM"