Our code implementation for the paper Losses over Labels: Weakly Supervised Learning via Direct Loss Construction (AAAI 2023).
We provide the requirements file for our Anaconda environment; you can install the dependencies via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To replicate our experiments, you first need to download the data from the WRENCH benchmark (agnews, chemprot, imdb, yelp, youtube). These can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v55IKG2JN9fMtKJWU48B_5_DcPWGnpTq
First, we split our data to create (and save) the train, val, and test splits used in our experiments. You can do this first by running the file
python process_data.py
which will generate the splits for the experiments using 10 validation data points per class. These splits will be located in the 'saved_data/seed{seed # here}/' directories (depending on the seed used to create the split). We note that the larger datasets (yelp, agnews) require a fair bit of memory.
To run our experiments, you can use the command
python run.py --LoL --dataset youtube
This will run the experiments (over all 5 seeds) for the LoL method and print the results. There are multiple flags that you can pass to the command including:
- (--LoL): This will run the LoL approach
- (--LoL_simple): This will run the LoL-sw approach
- (--snorkel or --mv): This will run the Snorkel baseline and the MV baseline
- (--dataset youtube): This will run the youtube dataset (which you can change for 'agnews', 'chemprot', 'imdb', or 'yelp')
For many of these approaches, we highly recommend using a GPU as we perform hyperparameter optimization over many different trials especially on the imdb, yelp, and agnews datasets.
Please cite the following paper if you use our work. Thanks!
Dylan Sam and J. Zico Kolter. "Losses over Labels: Weakly Supervised Learning via Direct Loss Construction." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
Author = {Sam, D. and Kolter, J. Z.},
Title = {Losses over Labels: Weakly Supervised Learning via Direct Loss Construction},
Booktitle = {AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
Year = {2023}}