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Blitz (fl•ash)

  1. verb - Shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way
  2. noun - Control the display of temporary messages

Blitz Example


Blitz can be installed using bower under the package name blitz-alert:

bower install blitz-alert


Blitz is instantiated using a constructor:

var blitz = new Blitz('#container');

Nothing will be rendered until you ask it to display a message, at which point it will inject itself into the container and display a notice or alert style message.

Here is an example of using blitz to display an alert with a spinner and an auto-hide delay:

var blitz = new Blitz('body');

$.getJSON("http://www.bogus.url").fail(function() {
  blitz.alert("You've made a huge mistake", { delay: 5000, spinner: true });

It is common for flash messages to be written to the page during a Rails request. With blitz you can easily display that message in an easily dismissed and auto-hiding container:

  <div id="flash" data-message="Oopsy Daisy" data-type="alert"></div>

    var blitz   = new Blitz('#flash', { replace: true, delay: 5000 })
      , $flash  = $('#flash')
      , type    = $flash.attr('data-type')
      , message = $flash.attr('data-message')


Notifications all behave the same way, but have a different theme. Currently the notification types are success, notice, and alert. Each is used like so:

var blitz = new Blitz('#flash');

blitz.success("That worked out splendidly!");
blitz.notice("You're signed in, just wanted you to know")
blitz.alert("Uh oh. That can't be good")



number - Configures the amount of time in milliseconds until the notification will auto-hide. Does not auto-hide with a value of 0 or less.


boolean - Determines whether a spinner will be displayed for the duration of the notification.


boolean - If enabled the container element provided to the constructor will be entirely replaced when blitz is rendered. Otherwise the markup is appended.


The project is built via Grunt and depdends on packages installed with Bower. To contribute you'll need both packages installed along with all required bower components.

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install --dev

Once grunt, grunt-contrib, and bower components are installed you're all set to compile, test, or release (compile minified).

grunt         # compile, test
grunt release # compile, test, minify
grunt watch   # compile lib and test on any change


MIT, see LICENSE.txt for details.