A sample repo to reproduce service bus delay issue with flex consumption azure functions. Related to issues: Azure/azure-functions-host#10706 Azure/azure-functions-dotnet-worker#2902
Update main.bicepparam
as required.
Deploy using below command.
az deployment sub create --name sbflextest1 --location australiaeast --template-file main.bicep --parameters main.bicepparam
Once all done, add this environment variable in both functions.
Key: ServiceBusConnectionString
Value: <replace this with connection string from your service bus>
There are 2 function apps, one running consumption plan and another running flex consumption plan. Each function app has a service bus trigger which subscribe to the same topic using different subscriptions.
Deploy / Publish these functionsn using visual studio to the appropriate function app.
FuncSbFlexConsumption -> func-sbflexcons-aue
FuncSbConsumptionTest -> func-sbcons-aue