An npm package will be created once the code is more stable, but for now you'll have to clone this repo and npm install
Basic Output source
node -r esm examples/basic
"""A beep noise"""
type Beep {
beepiness: Int!
"""A boop noise"""
type Boop {
boopiness: Int!
union BotNoise = Beep | Boop
type Message implements Textable {
text: String!
type Mutation {
"""Send a message"""
sendMessage(input: SendMessageInput!): SendMessageOutput!
type Query {
"""Fetch a message by ID"""
message(id: ID!): Message
"""Fetch a list of bot noises"""
botNoises: [BotNoise]!
"""sendMessage input"""
input SendMessageInput {
text: String!
"""sendMessage response"""
type SendMessageOutput {
sent: Boolean!
type Subscription {
"""optionally limit to particular User ID"""
toId: ID
): Message!
interface Textable {
text: String!
Secure Output source
node -r esm examples/secure
type Query {
randomInt: RandomInt!
type RandomInt {
int: Int!
{"errors":[{"message":"Permission denied","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["randomInt"]}],"data":null}