Nicole is a JSF-JavaScript library which enables you to integrate your own JavaScript-code into JSF in a clean and consistent way. It takes care of the clientId-prefix hell and enables you to access parameters that were defined on the serverside in your JavaScript-Code.
#Installation Build the project with maven (e.g. mvn clean install) and include nicole in the pom.xml of your project:
#Usage As soon as a nicole-module is included in a jsf page, the required JavaScript-Library gets injected automatically. Nicoles' namespace is "".
IMPORTANT: Scriptfiles that contain the JavaScript-code for your modules need to be included at the very bottom of the page. The easiest way to achieve this is to mark the script-tag with target="body".
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:jsf="" xmlns:h=""
<head jsf:id="head">
<body jsf:id="body">
<nicole:module modulename="SimpleExample">
<nicole:jsparameter name="serverTime" value="#{backingBean.currentTime}"/>
<h:outputScript library="ok" name="simpleExample.js" target="body"/>
Nicole.module("SimpleExample", function () {
//this.parameter() gets a property which was defined in jsf
//second parameter is optional
var serverTime = this.parameter("serverTime", "int");
console.log(new Date(serverTime));
IMPORTANT: The modulename of your JavaScript-Module must match the modulename that was defined in the JSF-Page. Otherwise you will get a "There is no js-module for the declared module"-Error.
Usage of jQuery: Nicole is also designed to work with jQuery. When your JavaScript-Modules depend on jQuery, it is important that jQuery is included BEFORE nicole. To achieve this, include jQuery with target head or without any target.
<h:outputScript library="scripts" name="jquery.min.js" target="head"/>
<h:outputScript library="scripts" name="jquery.min.js"/>
You can also include the nicole scripts by hand:
<h:outputScript library="scripts" name="dist/nicole.min.js" />
or for development.
<h:outputScript library="scripts" name="dist/nicole.js" />
#Basic API Nicoles' JavaScript engine has a few basic helper functions that make the interaction with JSF easier.
- this.elm(domElId) and this.$elm(domElId): this function returns the DOM-Element (resp. the jQuery wrapped DOM-Element when jQuery is present) for the given element-id. The function is more than a wrapper for document.getElementById because it takes care of JSFs' generated ID-prefixes (clientId). This is especially useful when writing composite-components. Example:
<composite:attribute name="value" type="java.util.Date"/>
<composite:attribute name="jsFormat" type="java.lang.String"/>
<composite:attribute name="javaFormat" type="java.lang.String"/>
<input type="text" jsf:id="datePicker" jsf:value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="#{cc.attrs.javaFormat}"/>
<nicole:module modulename="DatePicker">
<nicole:jsparameter name="format" value="#{cc.attrs.jsFormat}"/>
Nicole.module("DatePicker", function () {
//we don't care about the clientId-prefix that is generated by jsf here.
//Nicole automatically adds the id-prefix so that we access the dom-element
//by using a simple id
dateFormat: this.parameter("format")
- this.parameter(paramName,[dataType]): this function gives access to the parameters that where defined in JSF (see the "format" example above). This way you can use server-side defined parameters in your JavaScript-Code. The second parameter is optional. It allows you to cast a parameter into different types. Possible values are "int", "float","bool"
- this.parameterHasValue(parameterName): checks if the given parameter name is present and has a value
#Advanced API
- this.ajax: this function is a wrapper for JSFs' ajax api. It allows you to use simple ids instead of the full-qualified ids that you would normally have to use. Example:
Nicole.module("SomeModuleWithAjax", function () {
this.ajax("elementIdA", {
execute: ["elementIdA","elementIdB"],
render: ["elementIdC"],
begin : function(){
complete : function(){
success: function () {
#Compatability Nicole works with all browsers >= IE 9