A chemical kinetics library written in Python
Easy to extend and contribute to.
- Elementary reactions
- Some non-elementary reactions
- Duplicate
- Troe Three-Body
- Lindmann
- Troe Falloff
- Irreversible and reversible rxns
- Database of species properties:
- Molecular weights
- NASA polynomial coefficients
- Time-integration of system of ODEs
- Convenient interface with SciPy
- User can add their own integrator
- Contains an implementation of the energy equation
- Formulated in terms of the temperature of the mixture
- Flexible visualizations
- Consistency checks on units
- Reactions specified through .xml input file.
- Derivatives wrt state.
- Try to use automatic differentiation packages?
- March 1
- Elementary reactions
- Reversible and irreversible reactions
- Consistency checks on units
- Input parsers
- Time integration module
- Visualizations
- Time plots of various quantities
- Graphical viz?
- First pass at database
- NASA polynomials for Burcat's database
- Molecular weights
- April 1
- Energy equation
- Non-elementary reactions
- Host database on external site?
- Web API for database?
- May 1
- Accessing database
- Contributing to database
- Requests?
- Derivative information