Alice O2 project software. Simulation, reconstruction and common software for the ALICE experiment at CERN based on ALFA and the FairRoot software.
The documentation single entry point is here.
In order to install with aliBuild you can follow this tutorial.
We use JIRA to track issues. Head here to create tickets.
The Coding Guidelines are here. See below how to format your code accordingly.
Turn it on in cmake (cmake -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON ...
) before building (make
) and then open
from the build directory.
Doxygen documentation is also available online here
The build system and directory structure are described in [docs/doxygen/](@ref CodeOrganizationAndBuild).
# Get the configuration file
git clone
cp CodingGuidelines/_clang-format-4 /path/to/O2/top/dir # (use _clang-format-3 if you use clang-format v3)
# Check the style
# Here any tag "<replacement " indicates a problem ("<replacements " with **s** is fine!)
clang-format -style=file -output-replacements-xml SOURCEFILE`
# shows what would the file content be after the reformatting
clang-format -style=file SOURCEFILE
# Apply the style to the file
clang-format -style=file -i SOURCEFILE
A number of config files are available here for various IDEs.