The repository consists of a series of utilities with the aim of helping the user in running the analysis on AAFs, checking the logs, producing the QA output, etc.
cd chosenDir
git clone
The task AliTaskSubmitter contains a series of methods that can ease the way the user launch his/her analysis, allowing to transparently submit it locally, on AAF or on grid.
The main method of the utility is:
SetupAndRun ( const char* workDir, const char* cfgList, int runMode,
const char* inputName, const char* inputOptions,
const char* analysisOptions, const char* taskOptions )
which takes care of setting up the analysis manager with the correct handlers, add some general tasks if required (see below), and load the required libraries locally.
- workDir : the local directory in which all files needed for analysis will be saved. Please notice that this is also the directory used in AliAnalysisAlien::SetGridWorkingDir in grid mode. This is compulsory in grid mode, so, if you decide to leave it blank, you need to directly act on the AliEn plugin inside your task.cfg:
AliAnalysisAlien* plugin = static_cast<AliAnalysisAlien*>(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetGridHandler());
- cfgList : comma separated list of configuration files to setup a train. The format is the one of AliAnalysisTaskCfg.
- runMode can be:
- kLocalTerminate : execute only the Terminate function
- kLocal : launch jobs locally
- kGrid : launch jobs on grid
- kGridTest : use local pc as a "working node" of the grid
- kGridMerge : launch merging jobs on grid
- kGridTerminate : merge run-by-run output on grid, copy the result on the local pc and launch the Terminate of the task
- kProofLite : run proof locally (proof lite)
- kProofSaf : run on SAF AAF (only for registered users)
- kProofSaf2 : run on SAF2 AAF (only for registered users)
- kProofVaf : run on CERN VAF
- inputName: (CAVEAT: when local filenames are provided, the absolute path must be used)
- ESD or AOD filename (in local mode)
- dataset-like search string, e.g. Find;BasePath=/alice/data/2015/LHC15o/000244918/muon_calo_pass1/AOD/;FileName=AliAOD.Muons.root; (in proof and grid mode)
- txt filename containing:
- list of local ESD or AOD files (in local mode)
- list of dataset-like search strings (in proof and grid mode)
- root file with a file collection (in proof mode)
- inputOptions (optional): it is a space-separated list of keywords. The following are recognized:
- MC : load MC handler if needed
- EMBED : embedding production (needs MC handler, but use non MC option for other things, e.g. Physics Selection)
- AOD or ESD : the runTaskUtilities tries to guess if you're running on ESDs or AODs from the inputs specified in inputName, but you can write it explicitly in case it fails
- softVersion: in proof and grid mode, specifies the AliPhysics version to use. If it is not specified, the latest available AN tag will be used
- analysisOptions (optional): it is a space-separated list of keywords. The following are recognized:
- NOPHYSSEL : do not add the physics selection task in the list of tasks (it is added by default when running on ESDs)
- CENTR: add the centrality tasks
- OLDCENTR : add the old centrality task (on ESDs)
- MIXED : use input handler for event mixing
- SPLIT : in proof mode, provides an output run-by-run (CAVEAT: not working!)
- isMuonAnalysis: it is the default...just keep it ;)
Let us suppose that you have the task AliAnalysisTaskMyTask in PWG/muon. You need to add the proper configuration file. Let us call it singleMu.cfg which lookslike this:
#Module.Begin SingleMu
#Module.Libs PWGmuon
#Module.DataTypes ESD, AOD, MC
#Module.MacroName $ALICE_PHYSICS/PWG/muon/AddTaskSingleMuonAnalysis.C
# Not used when giving full macro
#Module.MacroArgs __VAR_ISMC__, ""
#Module.OutputFile AnalysisResults.root
// __R_ADDTASK__->GetMuonTrackCuts()->SetAllowDefaultParams(true);
You can then run your code locally with:
root -l
gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/include -I$ALICE_PHYSICS/include"); // This is needed only if you use ROOT5
.L path_to/AliTaskSubmitter.cxx+
AliTaskSubmitter sub;
If you re-run the code and the directory testDir exists, you will be prompted if you want to keep it or to overwrite it.
On the other hand, if you want to re-run the analysis, you can also enter the working directory and run:
.L path_to/AliTaskSubmitter.cxx+
AliTaskSubmitter sub;