Basic Bounding Value Heirarchy read
SIMDop algorithm:
- Create a BVH from set of polygonal shapes
- Top down breaking of the C-space
- Wrapped hierarchy for BV struct.
- Splitting criterion: Batch Neural Clustering
- Use center of polygons to cluster the C-space polygons.
Batch Neural Clustering algorithm:
- initialise points
$\mathbb{R}^m$ and prototypes$\mathbb{R}^n$ -
$\epsilon$ = 1e-5 x BoundingBoxSize - while (movement of prototypes <
$\epsilon$ )- Sort the protypes using a Rank matrix which is populated for every prototype with every point.
$k_{ij} = |{w_k : d(x_j, w_k) < d(x_j, w_i)}| \in {0, n}$ - Compute new positions for the prototypes
$w_i := \frac{\sum_{j=0}^{m} h_{\lambda}(k_{ij})x_j}{\sum_{j=0}^{m} h_{\lambda}(k_{ij})}$
- Sort the protypes using a Rank matrix which is populated for every prototype with every point.
- Here
$h_{\lambda}(k) > 0$ and it's a monotonically decreasing function($e^\frac{k}{\lambda}$ ) where$\lambda_{0} = \frac{n}{2}$ and reduction$\lambda(t) = \lambda_{0}(\frac{0.01}{\lambda_0})^\frac{t}{t_{max}}$ .
- initialise points
- SIMD Implementation:
- Traverse BVH:
- Intersection Algorithm:
_mm512 endResult
for (auto i = 0; i != k/2; i++){
_mm512 oriAL = _mm512_set1_ps(a[i]); //Sets elements to equal specified single-precision floating point value. There is no corresponding instruction. This intrinsic only applies to Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture).
_mm512 oriBL = _mm512_set_ps(b1[i], ..., b16[i]); // Sets packed float32 elements in destination with supplied values.
_mm512 resL = _mm512_cmp_ps(oriAL, oriBL, _CMP_LT_OS); // Comparison instruction for AVX 512
_mm512 oriAH = _mm512_set1_ps(a[k/2 + i]);
_mm512 oriBH = _mm512_set_ps(b1[k/2 + i], ..., b16[k/2 + i]);
_mm512 resH = _mm512_cmp_ps(oriAH, oriBH, _CMP_GT_OS);
_mm512 tempRes = _mm512_kor(resL, resH); // Compute the bitwise OR of 16-bit masks a and b, and store the result in k.
endResult = _mm512_kor(endResult, tempRes);
if(endResult == 65535){
return endResult;
- Overall Algorithm: