Small Jquery plugin to add Show More button to any div.
- Small Jquery plugin to add Show More button to any div.
- 1.0
- add to your page
- usage: $("#your-element").showmore();
- Dependencies: jquery 1.6.4 or higher. CSS class named 'showmore-button' or include showmore-default.css
- minheight (by default it is half of original div size)
- buttontxtmore (default: 'show more')
- buttontxtless (default: 'show less')
- buttoncss (default is css class named "showmore-button", or you can add your custom CSS class name)
- animationspeed (by default it is half of original div size converted in ms)
example of options:
minheight: 150, // measured in px
buttontxtmore: 'show me more content',
buttontxtless: 'show me less content',
buttoncss: 'my-button-css',
animationspeed: 1500