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This course repository provides the work completed and assignments given during Database Management Systems, taught by Professor Dr. Frank Canovatchel. It includes essential information about the course, such as its description, objectives, and required materials. Please read through this document to familiarize yourself with the course content and expectations.
This course introduces the student to the relational database model using a MySQL RDBMS system. After an introduction to relational algebra, students will learn to design entity relationship diagrams using a CASE tool and then translate the database to tables and other database objects. Other topics include Structured Query Language (SQL), normalization, stored procedures and triggers. Basic database administration is also covered. Database administration topics include replication, backup and recovery and account management. Student will also have the opportunity to manage a MySQL database server and put into practice the database design, development and administration concepts on a live server.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand relational database design theories
- Able to design Entity/Relationship (E/R) data models
- Able to convert the data model into relation schemas and make them normalized based on the real-world situation
- Understand SQL syntax and able to construct SQL queries
- Able to implement a database given a schema design
- Able to develop client programs to access the database