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This course repository provides the work completed and assignments given during Sysadmin & Net Services II, taught by Professor Eastman. It includes essential information about the course, such as its description, objectives, and required materials. Please read through this document to familiarize yourself with the course content and expectations.
This course focuses on the tasks and issues involved in the administration of distributed computing networks. Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) systems are covered with emphasis on using cross-platform authentication. Network services including firewalls, DNS, mail, and web services are covered. Content includes Network File Services, Distributed administration, and network management tools. Topics will be covered from a practical, business oriented, cost/benefit perspective and best practice implementation techniques are described. Hands-on experience will include representative technology from each of these areas.
- Network Management
- DHCP Services
- DNS Administration
- Containerization
- Remote Management
- Enterprise Storage
- Centralized Authentication
- LAN System Administration
- Advanced Troubleshooting
- Advanced Virtualization
- Firewall Administration
- Web based Services
- Automation and Provisioning