pymatrix is a Python library that offers easily usable matrix arithmetics.
Just do an import matrix
to use it.
Note: Matrix instances are immutable and all operations will return a new instance
To create a 2x3 matrix you can use one of the following (not the only options):
matrix.Matrix([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
matrix.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
matrix.Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).reshape(2, 3)
The Vector
function is a shorthand for creating Nx1 matrices:
matrix.Vector(1, 2, 3)
is equal to matrix.Matrix([1], [2], [3])
Identities and matrices filled with ones or zeros can easily be created using:
matrix.ones(height=3, width=4)
matrix.zeros(height=3, width=4)
Matrix addition and multiplication work like expected:
matrix1 * matrix2 - matrix3 + 2 * matrix4
The cross-product between two vectors (3x1 matrices) can be computed as:
vector1 ^ vector2
The T
property returns the transposed matrix:
The norm
function returns the computed norm:
and matrix.norm(2)
return the Eucledian norm (only implemented for vectors)
returns the Manhattan norm
returns the Uniform norm
returns the Frobenius norm
The det
property returns the determinant of the matrix:
The adj
property returns the adjugate matrix:
The inv
property returns the inverse matrix:
The trace
property returns the trace of a square matrix:
The diag
property returns the diagonal of a matrix as a vector:
You can also stack matrices horizontally or vertically using the stackh
and stackv
matrix.stackh(matrix1, matrix2, ...)
matrix.stackv(matrix1, matrix2, ...)
The cut
function cuts out a rectangular piece of a matrix:
matrix1.cut(left=1, right=3, top=2, bottom=4)
(including left and top, excluding right and bottom)
The dimensions of a matrix can be changed by calling the reshape
matrix1.reshape(height=3, width=2)