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Node Inspector - By Dualite


Better Node Inspector is a powerful plugin designed to help developers inspect and analyze node properties in their projects. This tool provides a comprehensive view of various aspects of selected nodes, enhancing the development workflow.


Better Node Inspector offers a range of capabilities for examining node properties.The interface streamlines the process of inspecting node characteristics.

  • Users can access general properties, positional attributes, flex and auto-layout settings, fill properties, view child elements, and explore additional properties not covered in the main categories
  • The plugin utilizes the async Figma API
  • Node child elements are only loaded when the user clicks on the children dropdown, significantly enhancing plugin performance and making it super fast.



Simply select a node in your project, and Better Node Inspector will display its properties in an easy-to-navigate interface.


Node Inspector seamlessly integrates with Dualite, allowing you to convert your designs to code effortlessly.


  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm to install dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server for both plugin and UI.
  • Plugin now supports hot reloading for both plugin and UI.
  • Do not mess with the config files.

Contributing Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community! Here's how you can contribute to Node Inspector:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the project repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Fork: Clone your fork to your local machine for development.

  3. Create a Branch: Make a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  4. Make Changes: Implement your changes, adhering to the existing code style and conventions.

  5. Test: Ensure your changes don't break existing functionality and add tests for new features.

  6. Commit: Make clear, concise commit messages describing your changes.

  7. Push: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.

  8. Pull Request: Open a pull request from your fork to the main repository.

  9. Code Review: Be open to feedback and make necessary adjustments.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


View detailed properties of any selected node






No releases published