go build -o slowlog2csv main.go
brew install duckdb
- step 1: start a tidb-server(port 4000)
- e.g.
tiup playground nightly --db 1 --pd 1 --kv 1
- ※ The
command will be use tidb-server to parse plan datatidb_decode_plan(...base64_data...)
and get the execution plan
- e.g.
- step 2: convert slowlog file to csv file
slowlog2csv <slowlog file>
- e.g.
./slowlog2csv slowlog.log
- the output file will be
- step 3: analysis and insights
target columns: "QueryTime", "ParseTime", "CompileTime", "RewriteTime", "OptimizeTime", "WaitTS", "CopTime", "ProcessTime", "WaitTime"
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("/pathto/slowlog.csv", max_line_size=400971520, auto_detect=true);
round(sum(ParseTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as ParseTimePercent,
round(sum(CompileTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as CompileTimePercent,
round(sum(RewriteTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as RewriteTimePercent,
round(sum(OptimizeTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as OptimizeTimePercent,
round(sum(WaitTS)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as WaitTSPercent,
round(sum(CopTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as CopTimePercent,
round(sum(ProcessTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as ProcessTimePercent,
round(sum(WaitTime)/sum(QueryTime)*100,2) as WaitTimePercent
FROM slowlog;
A sample output (The sum may be greater than 100% because of the summation of concurrency):
│ ParseTimePercent │ CompileTimePercent │ RewriteTimePercent │ OptimizeTimePercent │ WaitTSPercent │ CopTimePercent │ ProcessTimePercent │ WaitTimePercent │
│ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │ double │
│ 0.05 │ 3.19 │ 0.13 │ 3.01 │ 0.03 │ 178.95 │ 136.73 │ 0.53 │
- If ParseTimePercent or CompileTimePercent is large, you may need to check if there are long SQL statements.
- If WaitTSPercent is large, you may need to check if TiDB and PD's CPU resources are bottlenecked.
- If CopTimePercent or ProcessTimePercent is large, there may be heavy statements occupying tikv's resources (usually TableFullScan/IndexFullScan/TableRowIDScan).
- If WaitTimePercent is large, it may be caused by other queries occupying tikv's resources.
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("/pathto/slowlog.csv", max_line_size=400971520, auto_detect=true, types = {'NumCopTasks': 'INTEGER', 'TotalKeys': 'INTEGER', 'ProcessKeys': 'INTEGER'});
CREATE TABLE top_slowlog_statements AS SELECT digest,sql,count(*),sum(NumCopTasks),sum(QueryTime),sum(TotalKeys),any_value(plan) FROM slowlog GROUP BY digest,sql ORDER BY 4 DESC LIMIT 10;
COPY top_slowlog_statements TO '/pathto/top-NumCopTasks-slowlog-statements.csv' ;
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("/pathto/slowlog.csv", max_line_size=400971520, auto_detect=true, types = {'NumCopTasks': 'INTEGER', 'TotalKeys': 'INTEGER', 'ProcessKeys': 'INTEGER'});
CREATE TABLE top_slowlog_statements AS SELECT digest,sql,count(*),sum(NumCopTasks),sum(QueryTime),sum(TotalKeys),any_value(plan) FROM slowlog GROUP BY digest,sql ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 10;
COPY top_slowlog_statements TO '/pathto/top-QueryTime-slowlog-statements.csv' ;
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("/pathto/slowlog.csv", max_line_size=400971520, auto_detect=true, types = {'NumCopTasks': 'INTEGER', 'TotalKeys': 'INTEGER', 'ProcessKeys': 'INTEGER'});
CREATE TABLE top_slowlog_statements AS SELECT digest,sql,count(*),sum(NumCopTasks),sum(QueryTime),sum(TotalKeys),any_value(plan) FROM slowlog GROUP BY digest,sql ORDER BY 6 DESC LIMIT 10;
COPY top_slowlog_statements TO '/pathto/top-TotalKeys-slowlog-statements.csv' ;
(If TotalKeys is much larger than ProcessKeys, you may be able to use the in-memory-engine)
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("/pathto/slowlog.csv", max_line_size=400971520, auto_detect=true, types = {'NumCopTasks': 'INTEGER', 'TotalKeys': 'INTEGER', 'ProcessKeys': 'INTEGER'});
CREATE TABLE top_slowlog_statements AS SELECT digest,sql,count(*),sum(TotalKeys-ProcessKeys) as MVCC_Versions,sum(TotalKeys),sum(ProcessKeys),sum(NumCopTasks),sum(QueryTime),any_value(plan) FROM slowlog GROUP BY digest,sql ORDER BY 4 DESC LIMIT 10;
COPY top_slowlog_statements TO '/pathto/top-MVCCVersions-slowlog-statements.csv' ;
This script is suitable for the Poc phase of the full analysis of the scenario. It is recommended to set tidb_slow_log_threshold to 0 in order to get all the query slowlog, and then analyze various table access methods, review the design of primary keys and indexes by this script.
CREATE TABLE slowlog AS SELECT * FROM read_csv("./tidb-slow-with-results.csv", auto_detect=true, max_line_size=400971520);
CREATE TABLE statements AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS statementID,
digest as digestID ,
FROM slowlog;
create table plan_lines as
statementID, digestID, REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY(plan, E'\n') as lines
from statements;
create table plan_line_maps as
select statementID, digestID, unnest(map_entries(map(range(len( lines )) , lines ))) as linemap
from plan_lines ;
create table plan_split_cols as
select statementID, digestID, linemap.key as lineNumber, REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY(linemap.value, E'\t') AS cols
from plan_line_maps;
plan_split_cols.statementID as statementID,
plan_split_cols.digestID as digestID,
format('{:011d}-{:04d}', plan_split_cols.statementID, lineNumber) as sortID,
regexp_replace( regexp_replace(regexp_replace(cols[2], '_\d+\s*', ''), '^\W+', ''), '\s+', '') as type,
length(regexp_extract(cols[2], '^\W+')) as depth,
regexp_replace(cols[2], '^ ', '.') as planId,
cols[3] as task,
cols[4] as estRows,
regexp_replace(cols[5], '\s*$', '') as operatorInfo,
TRY_CAST(cols[6] AS INTEGER) as actRows,
TRY_CAST(cols[6] AS INTEGER) as digestExecCountXactRows,
regexp_replace(cols[7], '\s*$', '') as executionInfo,
cols[8] as memory,
cols[9] as disk,
regexp_extract_all(cols[5], 'table:(\w+)', 1)[1] as tablename,
regexp_extract_all(cols[5], 'index:([\w\(,\)]+)', 1)[1] as indexname,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'loops:(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as loops,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'cop_task:\s*\{.*num:\s*(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as cop_task_num,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'tikv_task:\{.*tasks:\s*(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as tikv_task_num,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'tiflash_task:\{.*tasks:\s*(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as tiflash_task_num,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'total_process_keys:\s*(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as total_process_keys,
TRY_CAST(regexp_extract_all(cols[7], 'total_keys:\s*(\d+)', 1)[1] AS INTEGER) as total_keys
from plan_split_cols left join statements on plan_split_cols.statementID = statements.statementID
where lineNumber <> 0;
CREATE TABLE table_access_methods AS
'Point_Get' , 'TableRangeScan', 'Batch_Point_Get',
'Point_Get(Build)', 'Batch_Point_Get(Build)', 'TableRangeScan(Build)',
'Point_Get(Probe)', 'Batch_Point_Get(Probe)', 'TableRangeScan(Probe)',
) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ViaPrimaryKeyAccessSum,
SUM(CASE WHEN type IN ('TableRowIDScan', 'TableRowIDScan(Probe)') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ViaIndexAccessSum,
SUM(CASE WHEN type IN ('TableFullScan') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ViaTableFullScanSum,
FROM plancsv
WHERE tablename <> ''
GROUP BY tablename
ORDER by ViaPrimaryKeyAccessSum , ViaIndexAccessSum DESC;
COPY table_access_methods TO '/pathto/table_access_methods.csv' ;