Experimental SVG plotting library for the purpose of mathematical exposition.
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use yapl::elements::{Function, CoordinatePlane, Axis, TickLabelKind, SymbolicTickLabel, TickLabel};
use yapl::math::{NonDecreasing, ClosedInterval};
use yapl::typography::MathJaxProcessTeXRenderer;
use yapl::codegen::codegen;
use yapl::style::Stylesheet;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut cplane = CoordinatePlane::new_elementary();
let mut x_axis = Axis::new_default(0.0, PI, 0.0);
x_axis.tick_label = Some(TickLabel::new_default(TickLabelKind::Symbolic(SymbolicTickLabel {
offset_symbol_tex: None,
stride_symbol_tex: "\\pi",
cplane.horizontal_axis = Some(x_axis);
cplane.extent.brect.x = ClosedInterval::new(NonDecreasing::new(-2.0 * PI - 1.0, 2.0 * PI + 1.0));
cplane.extent.brect.y = ClosedInterval::new(NonDecreasing::new(-1.5, 1.5));
cplane.fns.push(Function::new_default(|x| x.sin()));
let stylesheet = Stylesheet::new_default();
let mut tex_renderer = MathJaxProcessTeXRenderer::new()?;
codegen(&mut std::io::stdout(), &cplane, stylesheet, &mut tex_renderer)
- Draw grid.
- Draw axis labels (not axis tick labels, we already draw those).
- Draw labeled points of interest.
- Draw labeled line segments.
- Draw basic shapes.
All styles are applied using CSS and not a Rust-based styling API. For instance there
is no Axis#color
field or the like. CSS is quite ergonmic already, and I see no need to
implement a clunky Rust API on top of it.
This library provides a minimal default stylesheet. This is so that ledigble diagrams are generated even if the user provides no explicit styling. The stylesheet is small enough to fit in only a few lines so that it is very clear what is going on and how the behavior can be changed.
This library exposes a simple flag-based API for opting out of default style rules and default style classes on per-element and global basis. This provide a way for the user to omit a default styling rule entirely if they wish to override it with a rule in their own custom stylesheet. This keeps redundant default styles out of the finished SVG.
A custom stylesheet can be applied in addition to the default stylesheet using
. The default stylesheet can be thinned or purged entirely
using yapl::style::Stylesheet#defaults