Releases: duniter/duniter-currency-monit
Plugin 0.4.5
Plugin 0.4.4
Warning : Requires Duniter 1.4.8 or higher
for installation guide see readme.
Plugin 0.4.2
several new features
Plugin 0.3.7
- fix bug at centrality degree algorithm that calculated a degree twice too high
- delete specialize node trace (dependences, files, ...)
Plugin 0.3.6
Warning: only tar.gz format works ! Don't use zip format.
If you use web-ui, install it very easy:
- go to localhost:9220/#/main/settings/modules
and at the foot of page enter:
then clik to button INSTALL THIS MODULE
- restart your duniter node
If you don't use web-ui:
- download and uncompress archive at the location of your choice
- plug the plugin to your duniter node:
duniter plug
- Stop your duniter node and restart it in the following method:
duniter currency-monit [host] [port]
then visit host:port
(default is localhost:10500
Plugin 0.3.6 (dev mode only)
module-0.3.6 version module-0.3.6
Plugin 0.3.5 (dev mode only)
module-0.3.5 version module-0.3.5
Plugin 0.3.4 (dev mode only)
To plug currency-monit 0.3.x you will have to wait duniter 1.4.x because this major release use wotb 0.6.x and currently duniter use wotb 0.5.x ...
But you can run currency-monit in dev mode :
install nodejs and yarn
download this release at
format -
command in uncompress folder -
lanch your duniter node with currency-monit with the following command :
node run.js currency-monit --mdb YOUR_DUNITER_PROFILE
visit localhost:10500
Plugin 0.2.13
willMembers page : expand blockstamp verification to identities
Members page :
- add check distance rule (to prepare renewal for exemple)
- add option for print emitted certs (instead of received certs)
- fig bug when pending cert option is checked
plugin 0.2.11
willMembers : add multi-identities compatibility with wotex