This personal project started out as a vite-mui project on stackblitz. If you haven't seen vite or stackblitz, they're pretty cool (at least in Fall 2022). One thing about vite that I just found out is that Jest (testing) support is not great. There is a vite-jest npm package (which is in thie repo, but I need to force install from npm). I will probably explore vitest with React Testing Library soon.
Latest feature added: ability to select poet and poem from data fetched from a poetry database.
If you want to see this repo run, clone it and then run
npm install
npm run dev
Or you can use gitpod which I only just disovered recently and it's also really cool.
The purspose of this personal project is to mostly stay in practice by adding a new feature regularly (daily or almost-daily).
I think I'm finally at the stage where I should add state-management like redux or Xstate (I want to check out Xstate), given the crazy debugging I had to do in the refactor to chase down where variables were bound (think closures set up while binding handler events which then update state, fun!).
Brilliantly easy:
- Go here
- Click the Open in Stackblitz button
- Click the Fork button at the top