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InApp / 인앱 결제 환불 내역 처리 (#684) #255

InApp / 인앱 결제 환불 내역 처리 (#684)

InApp / 인앱 결제 환불 내역 처리 (#684) #255

# name: server-v1-pipeline
# on:
# push:
# branches: [server-v1]
# jobs:
# server-CI:
# name: server-CI
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# # 체크아웃
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Setup-node
# uses: actions/setup-node@v3
# with:
# node-version: 16.14.2
# # docker build 세팅
# - name: Docker Setup Buildx
# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.0.0
# # 캐시 받아오기
# - name: Cache Docker layers
# uses: actions/cache@v2
# with:
# path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-
# # GitHub 컨테이너 레지스트리에 로그인
# - name: Login to ghcr
# uses: docker/login-action@v2.0.0
# with:
# registry:
# username: ${{ }}
# password: ${{ secrets[format('GHCR_TOKEN_{0}',] }}
# # .env.production 파일 생성
# - name: Set .env.production File
# run: |
# cd server
# echo "SERVER_URL= ${{secrets.SERVER_URL}}" >> .env.production
# echo "SERVER_PORT= ${{secrets.SERVER_PORT}}" >> .env.production
# echo "CLIENT= ${{secrets.CLIENT}}" >> .env.production
# echo "CLIENT_ADMIN= ${{secrets.CLIENT_ADMIN}}" >> .env.production
# echo "DB_URL= ${{secrets.DB_URL}}" >> .env.production
# echo "REDIS_URL = ${{secrets.REDIS_URL}}" >> .env.production
# echo "CRYPTO_KEY= ${{secrets.CRYPTO_KEY}}" >> .env.production
# echo "CRYPTO_SALT=${{secrets.CRYPTO_SALT}}" >> .env.production
# echo "CRYPTO_ALGORITHM=${{secrets.CRYPTO_ALGORITHM}}" >> .env.production
# echo "SALT_ROUNDS= ${{secrets.SALT_ROUNDS}}" >> .env.production
# echo "SESSION_KEY= ${{secrets.SESSION_KEY}}" >> .env.production
# echo "NODEMAILER_USER= ${{secrets.NODEMAILER_USER}}" >> .env.production
# echo "NODEMAILER_PASS= ${{secrets.NODEMAILER_PASS}}" >> .env.production
# echo "S3_ACESSKEYID= ${{secrets.S3_ACESSKEYID}}" >> .env.production
# echo "S3_SECRETACCESSKEY= ${{secrets.S3_SECRETACCESSKEY}}" >> .env.production
# echo "S3_BUCKET_LOGS= ${{secrets.S3_BUCKET_LOGS}}" >> .env.production
# echo "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= ${{secrets.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}}" >> .env.production
# echo "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= ${{secrets.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET}}" >> .env.production
# echo "NAVER_CLIENT_ID= ${{secrets.NAVER_CLIENT_ID}}" >> .env.production
# echo "NAVER_CLIENT_SECRET= ${{secrets.NAVER_CLIENT_SECRET}}" >> .env.production
# echo "KAKAO_CLIENT_ID= ${{secrets.KAKAO_CLIENT_ID}}" >> .env.production
# echo "PORTONE_IMP_KEY= ${{secrets.PORTONE_IMP_KEY}}" >> .env.production
# echo "PORTONE_IMP_SECRET= ${{secrets.PORTONE_IMP_SECRET}}" >> .env.production
# # 빌드 후 푸쉬
# - name: Build and push
# id: docker-build
# uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
# with:
# context: server
# file: ./server/Dockerfile
# push: true
# tags: ""
# # (3)
# cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache
# cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache-new
# # 이전 캐시 지우고 새로운 캐시 옮기기
# - name: Move cache
# run: |
# rm -rf /tmp/.buildx-cache
# mv /tmp/.buildx-cache-new /tmp/.buildx-cache
# # 디스코드 알림
# - name: Send Discord Notification
# uses: Ilshidur/action-discord@0.3.2
# env:
# DISCORD_EMBEDS: '[ { "type": "rich", "title": "${{ github.job }}", "url": "${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}", "fields": [ { "name": "status", "value": "${{ job.status }}"}, { "name": "commit", "value": "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}", "inline": true }, { "name": "actor", "value": "jessie129j", "inline": true } ] } ]'
# if: always() # Pick up events even if the job fails or is canceled.
# server-CD:
# name: server-CD
# needs: server-CI
# strategy:
# matrix:
# labels: [L0]
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.labels }}
# steps:
# # 체크아웃
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# # GitHub 컨테이너 레지스트리에 로그인
# - name: Login to ghcr
# uses: docker/login-action@v2.0.0
# with:
# registry:
# username: ${{ }}
# password: ${{ secrets[format('GHCR_TOKEN_{0}',] }}
# # Pull images
# - name: Docker pull
# run: |
# docker pull
# # Run containers
# - name: Docker run
# run: |
# docker rm -f during-budget_server_1 &>/dev/null && echo 'Removed old container'
# docker run --name during-budget_server_1 --restart on-failure -p ${{secrets.SERVER_PORT}}:${{secrets.SERVER_PORT}} -d
# # 이전 이미지 삭제
# - name: Prune images
# run: |
# docker image prune -f
# docker images
# # 디스코드 알림
# - name: Send Discord Notification
# uses: Ilshidur/action-discord@0.3.2
# env:
# DISCORD_EMBEDS: '[ { "type": "rich", "title": "${{ github.job }}", "url": "${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}", "fields": [ { "name": "status", "value": "${{ job.status }}"}, { "name": "commit", "value": "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}", "inline": true }, { "name": "actor", "value": "jessie129j", "inline": true } ] } ]'
# if: always() # Pick up events even if the job fails or is canceled.